How do you calculate least count of stopwatch?

How do you calculate least count of stopwatch?

The smallest yet the most accurate measure we can make is 0.01 second in the digital stopwatch. Therefore the least count of a digital stopwatch is 0.01 second.

Why do we take 20 oscillations?

Answer: We adjusted the knots so that the length of the pendulum was 1.0000±0.0005m. The uncertainty is given by half of the smallest division of the ruler that we used. In order to minimize the uncertainty in the period, we measured the time for the pendulum to make 20 oscillations, and divided that time by 20.

What is the least count of time?

The least count of an instrument is inversely proportional to the precision of the instrument. For example, a sundial may only have scale marks representing the hours of daylight; it would have a least count of one hour. A stopwatch used to time a race might resolve down to a hundredth of a second, its least count.

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What is the zero error of the stopwatch?

A zero error is when the initial value shown by the measuring instrument is a non-zero value when it should be zero. For example, if your stopwatch shows 100 seconds for an actual time of 99 seconds, everything you measure with this stopwatch will be dilated, and a systematic error is induced in your measurements.

What is the time period of a simple pendulum if it takes 72 seconds to complete 24 oscillations?

Therefore time period = 72 ÷ 24 = 3 s (Ans.)

Why do we record the time for 10 oscillations instead of one oscillation?

For example, you can measure 10 seconds to +/- 0.1 second, or you can measure 100 seconds to +/- 0.1 second. That error is a smaller fraction of the longer period, so our percent accuracy is better. So they do 10 oscillations to reduce the error in the result by a factor of 10.

How do you calculate the least count of spectrometer?

To determine the Least Count of that Circular Vernier Scale. the principle is similar to that of the linear vernier scale. The entire circle is divided in to 360 degrees. Then, Least count = s – v = s – (59/60)s = (1/60) s = 1/60 degree = 1 minute.

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What is the least count of a stop watch?

The least count of a stop watch is 0.2 s. The time of 20 oscillations of a pendulum is measured to be 25 s. The percentage error in the measurement of time will be: 11th

What is the percent error in the period of 25 seconds?

The time measured is 25 seconds. The error in the measurement is 0.2 seconds. The \% error is therefore  (0.2/25)x100 = 0.8\%. The period of one oscillation is 25/20=1.25 seconds. The error in the period is 0.8/100 x 1.25 = 0.01 second.

What is the absolute uncertainty of my stopwatch?

The golden rule while dealing with least counts is that the absolute uncertainty will always be 50\% of the least count of a measuring device. Therefore, we can say that the absolute uncertainty of your stopwatch is ±0.1 seconds.

How do you find the time for one oscillation?

Having calculated that, for 20 oscillation your stopwatch shows a time of 25 seconds, to find the time for one oscillation, divide the seconds taken by the number of oscillations, equaling 1.25 s per oscillation with an uncertainty of ±0.1 seconds.