
Are HubSpot certifications worth it?

Are HubSpot certifications worth it?

As a leader in the sales and marketing industries, HubSpot has its own research team that consistently releases new studies on a variety of topics. This makes HubSpot certifications well worth it because they continue to update their certifications and courses based on the latest insights and research.

How much do HubSpot certifications cost?

A HubSpot Certification is a free and valuable tool for building your knowledge base, demonstrating your capacity for different tasks, and advancing in your career. The HubSpot Academy offers 15 certification tracks, including Inbound Marketing, Growth Driven Design, Frictionless Sales, Email Marketing, and more.

Can I use HubSpot academy without a website?

You can create a HubSpot portal without having a proper website for starters. You can change the domain associated with your portal down the road. While HubSpot has website services, it is also a CRM, so having a portal may be beneficial even before your website is set up.

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Is HubSpot Academy really free?

HubSpot Academy is the worldwide leader in free online training for inbound marketing, sales, and customer service professionals. HubSpot Academy’s mission is to transform the way people and companies grow by offering free online trainings for the digital age.

Is HubSpot a student?

We believe every student should have the opportunity to learn how to start and grow a business online. That’s why we’ve made our software free for academic use in college and university classrooms. Learn more about HubSpot’s marketing software here.

Can I use HubSpot without a company domain?

You should be fine to import companies without domain name to the CRM, as long as they have a Name property, HubSpot uses the domain name as the unique identifier for deduplication of companies.

How do I become a HubSpot certified trainer?

Admission into the HubSpot Certified Trainer program begins with an application. If you’re accepted into the program, you’ll then need to complete the HubSpot Trainer Certification course to earn your official HubSpot Certified Trainer title. Upon passing, you’ll receive your badge and access to the training resources.

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How do I check the progress of my HubSpot Academy course?

In your HubSpot account, click your account name in the top right corner, then click HubSpot Academy. In the Courses tab, scroll through your courses and certifications. For lessons or courses you’ve started, the progress meter below the title indicates the estimated time left in the certification or course.

What is the buyer persona exercise in the HubSpot certification?

The buyer persona exercise in the HubSpot Marketing Software Certification is the only current exercise that you can submit as a team. The rest need to be done by the individual. We are certifying if someone actually did the work. Since the badge is awarded to an individual we want to ensure that the work that is graded was done by the individual.

How do I become a good SEO expert?

Learn ninja level SEO skills. Become at least a journeyman at graphic design, user interface, marketing psychology, sales, HTML, copywriting, database management, website backend issues and data analytics. Pick two of those areas you seek to become genuinely good at, and read/practice voraciously, with definite goals.