
Is Stackoverflow like GitHub?

Is Stackoverflow like GitHub?

Stack Overflow is a Q&A site where developers can ask their peers questions about bugs or errors they have. GitHub is a code repository where developers can browse, use and add to projects all over the world as well as depositing their own code.

Is stack overflow helpful?

Stack Overflow is an incredible collection of programming and software knowledge. Thousands of students and developers use it daily to lookup answers for questions they can’t solve easily themselves. It’s built and grown by a community of developers, with new questions and answers being added all the time.

How do you get 15 reputation on stackoverflow?

You gain reputation when:

  1. question is voted up: +10.
  2. answer is voted up: +10.
  3. answer is marked “accepted”: +15 (+2 to acceptor)
  4. suggested edit is accepted: +2 (up to +1000 total per user)
  5. bounty awarded to your answer: + full bounty amount.
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What are the benefits of getting 1000 up-votes on Stackoverflow?

The effort of earning 1000 up-votes will get you more than a virtual medal on your StackOverflow account. You will get to improve your problem-solving skills and make a name for yourself in the software community. When you answer a question you are reiterating your knowledge.

Is it possible to clone a single directory in a repository?

At the moment it is not possible to clone only a single directory. But if you don’t need the history of the repository, you can at least save on bandwidth by creating a shallow clone.

How do I commit to a GitHub repository?

Using the github app, you can just commit from there using their GUI (that means that you just click the buttons in the application). Of course you enter your notes for the commit. Create your repo on github as mentioned above. On your computer, go to your directory using the terminal. using the linux command line you would cd into the directory.