Tips and tricks

Can you go straight on a green arrow?

Can you go straight on a green arrow?

Traffic Signal with a Green Arrow. When the green arrow is pointed upward the driver may go straight ahead only. When the green arrow is pointed to the left the driver may turn to the left. The driver does not need to stop if they are traveling in the direction of the arrow.

Can a driver turn in the direction of an arrow if it shows both a green arrow in the direction they wish to turn and a red light?

Ace Your DMV Written Test with our Guaranteed Cheat Sheet. After yielding the right-of-way to traffic within an intersection or crosswalk, a driver may go in the direction a green arrow is pointing, regardless of other lights present.

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What is a protected green light?

What is a protected turn? A protected turn means that you may turn in the direction of a green arrow signal and that other vehicles that may be in conflict with your movement are stopped by a red signal.

What is the right lane used for?

Generally, the right lane of a freeway is for entering and exiting the traffic flow. It is a staging lane, for use at the beginning and end of your freeway run. The middle lanes are for through traffic, and the left lane is for passing. If you are not passing someone, you should not be driving in the left lane.

Do you need a green arrow to turn right?

GREEN ARROW—A green arrow means GO, but first you must yield to any vehicle, bicycle, or pedestrian still in the intersection. The green arrow pointing right or left allows you to make a protected turn; oncoming vehicles, bicycles, and pedestrians are stopped by a red light as long as the green arrow is lit.

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What is the left lane used for?

Common practice and most law on United States highways is that the left lane is reserved for passing and faster moving traffic, and that traffic using the left lane must yield to traffic wishing to overtake.

What makes a lane a lane?

A lane is a narrow road or street usually lacking a shoulder or a median. A way is a minor street off a road in a town.

What happens when a Green Arrow is shown for Your Lane?

When the green arrow is shown for your lane, you may turn only in the direction of the arrow. Traffic coming from the opposite direction or traffic that could interfere with your turn is stopped by a red light. When proceeding through the intersection, you must still use caution.

Can you turn on a red light when the Arrow is green?

On some intersections you will find a red turning arrow which means you can turn on a red light if the turning arrow is green. The signal below shows that traffic going straight ahead or turning right must stop, whereas traffic turning left can go (but must wait if there are any pedestrians crossing the road).

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What happens when the traffic light turns green at an intersection?

When you come to an intersection and the road beyond is choked with vehicles going in the same direction you must wait until there is room to completely cross the intersection, even if your traffic light turns green. The vehicles with the green light must wait because the road ahead is blocked.

What is the meaning of the Green Arrow on the road?

Many people and test takers get this wrong. The correct answer is B. The green arrow indicates a protected turn. When the green arrow is shown for your lane, you may turn only in the direction of the arrow. Traffic coming from the opposite direction or traffic that could interfere with your turn is stopped by a red light.