
What is the difference between press release and article?

What is the difference between press release and article?

A news article, on the other hand, can be about any topic that is deemed newsworthy. News articles generally do not talk about a single current event, but rather a subject in detail, whereas a press release typically focuses on one specific subject, e.g. an anniversary, event, grand opening, milestone, etc.

What is the difference between a blog and an article?

The Difference Between Blog Posts & Articles. A blog post is usually written from a personal perspective based on opinion, can include facts or information however it is based on experience and includes more personality. An article is typically written to convey facts, information, news and unbiased perspective.

Can a press release be a blog?

In companies with an active PR (public relations) program, your press releases may be the most frequently updated professional content you produce. In addition to publishing the press release on your own website, you can often re-write it a bit and end up with a great blog article.

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Is press release a news article?

What is a news release? Even though journalists publish press releases sent to them by individual companies, the bread and butter of their work is to write news articles — a written statement discussing current events.

What is a press release article?

A press release is a brief news story written by a public relations professional and distributed to a broad range of media outlets. Press release is also called as a media statement, news bulletin or a news release. Press release should always be kept clear and short.

What is the difference between news and article?

The Key Difference While a news item is short-lived, a well-written article will be cherished for generations.

What’s a blog article?

A blog (a truncation of “weblog”) is a discussion or informational website published on the World Wide Web consisting of discrete, often informal diary-style text entries (posts). Posts are typically displayed in reverse chronological order, so that the most recent post appears first, at the top of the web page.

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Can I call a blog post an article?

It feels strange to refer to blog posts as “articles.” “Articles” sounds official, proper and very old media. “Posts” is the more common word, but it demeans the quality of the writing.

How do you write a press release for an article?

Writing a press release – checklist

  1. Choose the angle that matters for your target audience.
  2. Start with a well-thought-out headline.
  3. Pay attention to a lead paragraph.
  4. Cover the essentials in a few body paragraphs.
  5. Consider adding quotes.
  6. Include contact details.
  7. End your press release with a boilerplate.

What is the difference between a media release and a press release?

Purpose. A media advisory is a quick and concise overview that’s designed to encourage attendance at an upcoming event. Press releases, on the other hand, can promote or recap an event, or as mentioned before, share a newsworthy company update.

What is the difference between press release and media release?

Social media releases are billed as a release for your customers rather than the media. Press releases are written to give journalists facts and information so that they can quickly write their own story in any way they want using the facts we provide.

What is the difference between an article and a press release?

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An article is a formal and informative content often written in third or second person. A blog is a personal narrative of your own opinions and experience or knowledge. It is often first person and casual in tone. A press release is a news bulletin sort of content.

What is the difference between a blogblog and a press release?

Blog is a short form for the word weblog and the two words are used interchangeably. A press release is a short, compelling news story written by a public relations professional and sent to targeted members of the media. The goal of a press release is to pique the interest of a journalist or publication.

Where can I post a press release?

Press releases can be posted on your website and (if applicable) be sent to local online news sites and event calendars. A few handful of distributing sites are free, while others can cost a lot of money (hundreds!), making it a big difference from blogs, which are totally free.

What is a blog post and how does it work?

Blog posts, contrary to press releases and news, are written in a more personal way, allowing room to deliberate freely using a laid-back language. The blog post can be seen as a company’s voice and aims at different kinds of audiences.