Tips and tricks

How rare is it to have a doppelganger?

How rare is it to have a doppelganger?

a one in 135
They found that there’s about a one in 135 chance that a pair of complete doppelgängers exist somewhere in the world. But the likelihood of someone walking around looking identical to you, specifically, in all eight facial features is only one in 1 trillion.

Does every human have a doppelganger?

Not exactly. Their studies were based on exact measurements. It may just mean that a forensic anthropologist, specialising in facial recognition, can distinguish the differences between you and a doppelgänger, but your own mother may still do a double-take.

Do we have 7 lookalikes?

Believe it or not, scientists say that statistically, every person has roughly SIX doppelgangers out there in the world. That means there are seven people with your face, including you, out there.

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Is a doppelganger evil?

Traditionally, they have been viewed as sinister or even evil entities. Seeing a doppelganger has also been considered an omen of misfortune or bad luck. Most often today, however — as reports of doppelgangers show — they seem to be neither sinister nor evil, nor do they herald streaks of bad luck.

Is there such a thing as a doppelganger?

Even with 7.4 billion people on the planet, that’s only a one in 135 chance that there’s a single pair of doppelgangers. “Before you could always be questioned in a court of law, saying ‘well what if someone else just looks like him?’ Now we can say it’s extremely unlikely,” says Teghan.

How common are doppelganger facial features?

A 2015 study by researchers in Australia crunched the numbers and investigated the probability of two people matching up exactly in eight key facial features. They found that there’s about a one in 135 chance that a pair of complete doppelgängers exist somewhere in the world.

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Do bigger ethnicities have more doppelgangers?

Although “ethnicity” is a tricky concept, involving such nongenetic aspects as culture and language, bigger ethnicities or “races” — another loaded term — if considered as groups of closely, genetically related people, should logically sport greater chances of spawning doppelgangers.

What is the probability of having a doppelganger?

A simple calculation (male x brown eyes x blonde x round face x fleshy nose x short hair x full beard) reveals the probability of a person possessing all these features is just over one in 100,000 (0.00001020\%). That would give our guy no less than 74,000 potential doppelgangers.