Tips and tricks

What jobs do orcs have?

What jobs do orcs have?


  • Fighter.
  • Mage.
  • Support.
  • Tank.
  • What happened to the dwarves after the ring was destroyed?

    “Long after Sauron’s forces were defeated, Durin VII led the Dwarves back to Moria where they all sealed themselves into the tunnels so they could not lose their ancient city again. There the Dwarves remained, “until the world grew old and the Dwarves failed and the days of Durin’s race were ended.”

    Why didnt the balrogs serve Sauron?

    The obvious reason is that he was not at full power since the loss of his ring. So, for a very long time, really right up to the time he took over in Mordor again and re-built the Dark Tower, Balrogs were really stronger than him.

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    What does ORC stand for?


    Acronym Definition
    ORC Organization Responsibility Center
    ORC Operating Review Committee
    ORC Organizational Resource Counselor
    ORC Operational Readiness Condition

    What happened to the Balrogs in The Lord of the Rings?

    The remaining Balrogs fought in the War of Wrath. While most were destroyed, some managed to escape and hide in Earth’s deep caverns. Sauron gathered “all the evil things of the days of Morgoth that remained on earth and beneath it”, starting Accursed Years, however it is not clear whether or not Balrogs were involved.

    What happened to The Fellowship of the Ring in The Hobbit?

    In The Fellowship of the Ring, the Fellowship ventured through Moria and were attacked in the Chamber of Mazarbul by Orcs and the Balrog.

    How many discouraged workers were there in August?

    The number of discouraged workers, a subset of the marginally attached who believed that no jobs were available for them, was 392,000 in August, down by 115,000 from the previous month.

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    Is there another name for the Balrog lord Lungorthin?

    This might be another name for Gothmog, though Christopher Tolkien thought it more likely that Lungorthin was simply “a Balrog lord”. This Balrog appears in The Lord of the Rings, encountered by the Fellowship of the Ring in the Mines of Moria. It survived the defeat of Morgoth in the War of Wrath, escaping to hide beneath the Misty Mountains.