
Who has more claim to the Iron Throne Jon or Daenerys?

Who has more claim to the Iron Throne Jon or Daenerys?

In other words, Jon’s claim would be stronger than Daenerys’ not primarily because of his gender but because his father, Rhaegar Targaryen, was the heir to King Aerys II Targaryen; Jon is the heir of the heir. Daenerys, meanwhile, though she is the only surviving child of the King, is Rhaegar’s younger sibling.

Is Jon Snow a royalty?

Well, based on what the show has established via Robert Baratheon and his son Joffrey when they were each king, Jon’s official title is at least: Aegon of Houses Targaryen and Stark, Sixth of His Name, King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm.

Will Jon Snow claim the Iron Throne?

Jon Snow (Kit Harington), who may have had the greatest claim to the Iron Throne by dint of his Targaryen-Stark lineage, ended up with no throne at all. After killing the queen, he was banished to the Night’s Watch (again) to settle matters between pro- and anti-Daenerys forces.

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Who is the true king of the Iron Throne?

Jon Snow is the true and the rightful heir to the throne BUT is sent to the wall.

Does Jon Snow have a better claim to the Iron Throne?

You know that Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen have rival claims to the Iron Throne, a fact that’s seemingly going to be quite important during Game of Thrones season 8. But Jon is said to have a better claim to ruling Westeros than his aunt/lover — even though Daenerys’ father was the former king.

Could Daenerys be the heir to the throne if Jon Snow dies?

And Jon Snow, a.k.a. Aegon, is Rhaegar’s only surviving child, so he’s the heir. If Jon Snow didn’t survive… then Daenerys could claim to be the heir as the last living full Targaryen. And if Jon becomes king and has a son with Dany, then their child would become the rightful heir.

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How does Dany plan to inherit the Iron Throne?

Dany, therefore, plans to inherit the Iron Throne through a far stronger instrument than the law: dragon fire. A lot of you may be wondering what possible legal claim could he held by Jon Snow, an illegitimate son of a nobleman with no claim to the Iron Throne.

What if Jon Snow didn’t survive?

If Jon Snow didn’t survive… then Daenerys could claim to be the heir as the last living full Targaryen. And if Jon becomes king and has a son with Dany, then their child would become the rightful heir.