Tips and tricks

Is measuring ring size with string accurate?

Is measuring ring size with string accurate?

The biggest problem with using a string to get your ring size would be that strings usually stretch! When measuring your ring size, you also have to consider the width of the ring that you are looking to purchase, strings do not offer any insight into this aspect of ring measurement.

How do you measure your ring size with a rope?


  1. Use a piece of rope/string and wrap it around the base of your finger.
  2. Take a pen to mark the point on the rope where the end meets.
  3. Use a ruler (mm) to measure the rope.
  4. Choose the closest measurement on the chart below to find your ring size.

How do you measure your finger with string?

Best Way To Determine Your Ring Size Using Paper or String

  1. 1) Cut a strip of paper or a piece of non-stretchy string.
  2. 2) Wrap it snugly around the base of your finger.
  3. 3) Mark the point on it where it completes the circle.
  4. 4) Measure the length of the string or paper.
  5. 5) Find out your ring size on our conversion chart.
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How do you measure a man’s ring size with a string?

Take a string and wrap it around the biggest part of his finger and then mark or cut the part where the string joins or overlap. With a ruler, measure the size of the string that you marked. The measurement that you have gotten from the string is the circumference of the finger or your ring’s size.

How do I measure my ring size without a Sizer?

Option one: Use string or floss to measure your finger

  1. Take a length of floss or string and wrap it around the base of your finger.
  2. Mark where the floss or string first overlaps with a pen.
  3. Stretch the length of string out along a ruler or measuring tape, and take down the length in millimeters.

Is there an app to measure ring size?

Download The Ring Sizing App™ Here. For Android and older IOS users, it’s just as easy. Simply place your ring finger on your phone screen, adjust the sizing lines to outline your finger and you’ll have your ring size in minutes!

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What size ring is 3.5 inches?

International Conversion Table

Our Ring Sizes US Ring Sizes Diameter mm
3.5 3.5 14.5 mm
4 4 14.9 mm
4.5 4.5 15.3 mm
5 5 15.6 mm

What size ring is 7 cm?

Ring Size Chart

Ring Size Inside Circumference (Inches) Inside Circumference (Centimeters)
6 2.04″ 5.18 cm
6.5 2.09″ 5.30 cm
7 2.14″ 5.43 cm
7.5 2.19″ 5.56 cm

How can I find out my ring size without asking?

Below are eight tips for sneakily figuring out just what ring size will fit on her finger.

  1. Phone a friend.
  2. Use a ring sizing gauge.
  3. Hold her hand.
  4. Use some guesswork.
  5. Err on the larger side.
  6. 16 Unique Wedding Bands That Make a Statement on Their Own.
  7. 20 Best Stackable Rings to Achieve That Layered Look.

How can I measure my ring size at home?

Measure your ring size with these steps:

  1. Wrap string or paper around the base of your finger.
  2. Mark the point where the ends meet with a pen.
  3. Measure the string or paper with a ruler (mm).
  4. Pick the closest measurement on the ring size chart to find your ring size.
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How do you calculate ring size?

Measure the string, paper or tape to get the circumference of your finger. Divide that by 3.14 to get the diameter of your finger. Calculate your ring size using the calculator above and compare.

How to determine your ring size?

Wrap flexible measuring tape around your finger.

  • Record the measurement where the tape overlaps.
  • Compare the measurement to a sizing chart.
  • How to find a ring size with string?

    Cut a strip of paper or a piece of non-stretchy string.

  • Wrap it snugly around the base of your finger. Please remember not to wrap the string or paper too tightly around your finger,or you will have problems with
  • Mark the point on it where it completes the circle.
  • Measure the length of the string or paper.
  • How do you measure ring size with ruler?

    To use a ruler to measure ring size, wrap a string around the ring finger and make a mark at the point where the string meets, and then measure the distance between the marks with the ruler. The length between the mark should be measured in inches and then compared to a ring size chart to determine its ring size equivalent.