
How many 2 digit numbers exist whose number of factors is 8?

How many 2 digit numbers exist whose number of factors is 8?

So, there is no odd two digit number that has 8 factors. Other numbers : 128 has 8 factors. 3^7 has 8 factors, any prime in power 7 has 8 factors. 24=2*2*2*3 has 8 factors: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24.

What even number has 8 factors?

The factors of 105 are 1 and 105, 3 and 35, 5 and 21, and 7 and 15. That gives 8 factors, so 105 is the number we were looking for (all other numbers in the 105 times table are larger than 105, and have themself as a factor, so have more than 8 factors).

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How many 2-digit numbers are there such that their product is 24?

if 3 · 8 = 24 , then sure enough 8 · 3 = 24 too. So for the two pairs of integers ( 3 and 8 , along with 4 and 6 ), the two-digit positive integers whose product of their digits is 24 are: 38 , 83 , 46 , and 64 . Since we have four different two-digit integers, the correct answer is C, Four.

What number has exactly 6 factors?

Most numbers have even number factors because the factors come in pairs. For example, the number 12 has 6 factors: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12.

What is the smallest number that has exactly 6 factors?

For example, for n=6, f(6)=24, because 24 has the 6 distinct factors {2,3,4,6,8,12}, and 24 is the smallest integer with 6 factors.

How many factors are there in 8?

four factors
There are four factors of 8, they are 1, 2, 4, and 8.

How many odd factors of 4^2 are there?

Factors come in pairs. For total number of factors to be odd, two of the factors must be the same which is the square root of the number. So, the answer is all 2 digit perfect squares, 4^2, 5^2, 6^2 thru 9^2, which is 6 of them.

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How many two-digit numbers have exactly 12 factors?

So, there are 5 two digit numbers which have 12 factors. They are 60, 72, 84, 90, 96 Hence there are 5 two digit numbers having exactly 12 factors – 60,72,84,90,96. 8 clever moves when you have $1,000 in the bank.

How do you find the number of factors of a number?

The only way to have exactly 3 factors (assuming factors positive) is to be a square of a prime. The number of factors is the product of the multiplicities of the distinct prime factors, each increased by 1.

How many numbers between 10 to 99 have only three factors?

While coming to this question, between 10 to 99 how many numbers have only three factors. => 16,25,36,49,64,81. And we have only six numbers left. Every number has Two factors those are 1 and itself.we need another factor for that number.