
Would Stannis have been a good king?

Would Stannis have been a good king?

Despite the loss of his fingers, Davos considers Stannis a good man and a worthy King of Westeros. If Stannis could have inspired the same loyalty amongst the other Westerosi people then his reign would have been secured. After Joffrey, the people needed a monarch they could trust and have faith in.

Who was older Stannis or Robert?

Stannis is the second-born son of Lord Steffon Baratheon and Lady Cassana Estermont, the younger brother of the late King Robert Baratheon and older brother of Renly Baratheon.

Could a baratheon ride a dragon?

Theoretically, if Renly and Stannis could perhaps feed the dragons, or bond with them through nurture, then they can surely ride dragons.

What would stannis be like as king?

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Stannis is basically Ned without any of the compassion. Like Ned, he makes a better general than politician. He would be a much-hated king, and with good reason. Note: In the books, Stannis isn’t (yet) as terrible as he was in the show.

Why did stannis get dragonstone?

I’ve seen this asked a few times before, but why truly, was Stannis given Dragonstone instead of Storm’s End? The common answer seemed to be that Robert wanted a strong, loyal man at Dragonstone to rule over the Targaryen-friendly lesser lords.

Does Stannis Baratheon have an army at Castle Black?

“Stannis Baratheon has an army at Castle Black, but he won’t stay for long. He wants the Iron Throne, and the road to King’s Landing comes right through Winterfell. He means to take the North, but the North is ours. It’s yours and mine.

How did Stannis Baratheon lose his leg?

King Stannis wounded and surrounded by the bodies of his fallen retainers. Having dispatched his attackers, Stannis falls against a tree, his leg crippled. Resigned to his fate, he is found by Brienne of Tarth, who abandoned her hideout in the Winter town after being informed of Stannis’s impending attack by Podrick Payne.

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What happened to Stannis’s army at the Battle of the Wolfswood?

The Bolton cavalry performs a pincer movement on Stannis’s army, much of which flees to the woods before the battle. Stannis and his vanguard break soon after being surrounded and retreat to the Wolfswood, where their last remnants are annihilated.