Is it OK to do MBA after MS?

Is it OK to do MBA after MS?

Yes, you can do MBA after MS but it is important to know that MBA and MS are two diverse master’s programs. MS is focused on Science, Tech and Engineering courses as well as research-oriented specialisations. MBA is a professional course with numerous benefits from business exposure, personality development, etc.

Is MBA after CS worth it?

Yes it is. MBA is a good option for career enhancement. You can do MBA either just after CS or you can have a working experience for about 2 years and then go for Executive MBA which shall boost your career for sure.

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Can I do MBA after Masters in Canada?

Yes, you can go for an MBA program after completing your master’s from an Indian university. Some universities in Canada can offer MBA programs without GMAT as well and these include the University of Canada West, Vancouver Island University, and Thompson River University.

Can I get an MBA with a computer science degree?

If you are passionate about the economic sector and want to start your own start-up or become a good manager, you can study an MBA after completing a Computer Science degree. Usually, there are no restrictions in this regard.

Why do people do MBA after CS?

After company secretary course you can go for mba as it will equip you with necessary business skills . there is a personal advice to you from my side is that you should opt for master of business law offered by nalsar hyderabad it wil equip you with necessary business skills and business laws .

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Which MBA is better after BSc Computer Science?

If you are interested in the computer field you must certainly choose systems as an area of specialisation during MBA. But the job that you will get will be more on the administrative side. If you would like to stay in the technical side it will be better for you to pursue M.Sc. After that you must go in for a M.

Is it possible to do MBA after doing an MS?

Education is never completed, you can do any degree whenever you want. For MS you don’t require any entrance test, it depends on your graduation marks but for MBA you need to give entrance exam, on that basis your admission is decided. Originally Answered: Is doing MBA after MS a good idea?

Can MBA students do MS in finance?

Yes, MBA students can pursue MS, provided they meet the eligibility criteria set by the university for a particular course. These two are postgraduate programs that only require an undergraduate degree in a relevant field. Can I do MBA after MS in finance?

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Is it a good idea to do an MBA after work experience?

A few years of work experience would enable you to relate your MBA studies well with your past work experience and bring relevance to your MBA. So it will be definitely a good idea to do an MBA, but to do a full time 2 year MBA preferably after a few years of work experience.

Should I do MBA after BTech or engineering?

By opting for an MBA after BTech, you will also be able to have a diverse skillset, which is both business and management-focused as well as technical skills. Many tech entrepreneurs often choose MBA after BTech or Engineering to study business and entrepreneurship.