Tips and tricks

Does Vader ever recognize R2?

Does Vader ever recognize R2?

In the final film, Revenge of the Sith, the two droid companions continue to work closely alongside Obi-Wan, Anakin, Padme, and others. Throughout the years, R2-D2 and C-3PO serve Obi-Wan and many Star Wars characters. Further in Empire Strikes Back, neither Yoda nor Darth Vader recognizes either droid.

Does Darth Vader remember anything?

Vader remembers everything, but he doesnt like to remember it. He considers the Jedi to be weak and single minded while the Sith could branch out and give him far more options than the Jedi could, or rather would. Vader remembers everything, but he doesnt like to remember it.

Does r2d2 know Vader is Anakin?

Star Wars Theory: R2-D2 Didn’t Know Anakin Skywalker Became Darth Vader. R2-D2 served Queen Amidala and later Anakin Skywalker, accompanied by C-3PO. Unlike the golden protocol droid, R2-D2 never had a full memory wipe, so he was well aware of all events that happened around him.

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Did Darth Vader ever meet R2D2?

Darth just misses R2D2 on the Tantive IV. They’re both on the Death Star at the same time but it’s reasonably clear that they didn’t meet, even for a polite lunch. They’re around 50 yards from each other during the trench run. Vader shoots at Luke and inadvertently hits Artoo in the head. Awkward.

What is the name of the first Star Wars movie with R2-D2?

R2-D2, along with the original trio, his loyal friend C-3PO, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Darth Vader, was introduced in the film now known as Star Wars: A New Hope back in 1977, and is one of the few characters that appeared in all films from the Skywalker saga.

Why doesn’t Luke Skywalker know who R2-D2 is?

” Obi-Wan purposely withheld information from Luke in order to keep Luke from straying away. This could offer an explanation as to why he appears to not know who R2-D2 is. Further in Empire Strikes Back, neither Yoda nor Darth Vader recognizes either droid. Luke travels with R2-D2 to the Dagobah where they find Yoda.

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Do C-3PO and R2-D2 remember each other?

Throughout the years, R2-D2 and C-3PO serve Obi-Wan and many Star Wars characters. They spend enough time with together that they should remember each other. However, throughout the original trilogy, there are several instances where certain characters should recognize one of these two droids.