
Is it normal for an 8 year old to have a crush?

Is it normal for an 8 year old to have a crush?

Be Gentle. A first crush can be a really big deal for your young child, and from what I’ve experienced with my 8 kids, they are usually very excited to share that they have a special new someone in their lives. Let them know that having a crush is totally normal and healthy.

What to say to a child who comes out?

What to Do (and Not Do) When Your Child Comes Out to You

  • DON’T Ignore it.
  • DON’T Say you “knew all along.”
  • DON’T Tell them “this is just a phase.”
  • DON’T Use religion to shame them.
  • DO Tell them you believe and love them, and thank them for telling you.
  • DO Ask about what kind of support they need.
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What does it mean when a 9 year old has a crush?

“It’s the idea that you fall in love with someone,” says Freedman Smith, whose nine-year-old son has been crushing on girls since he was in grade one. Kids this age are also just doing something they’ve been doing since birth: copying their parents. “They start to mimic relationships that people around them have,” says Bates.

Is it normal for crushes and bullying at 8-year-olds?

Crushes and bullying are not uncommon during this age. Learn what else to expect. Eight- to ten-year-old children are still in what researcher Erik Erikson calls the age of Industry vs Inferiority.

How do I talk to my daughter about her crush?

Is he really good at soccer?” she suggests. Focus on what they value about their crush. This will help kids see the importance of their own inner qualities. Freedman Smith says it’s a delicate balance between validating the child’s feelings while not putting too much attention on the crush.

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What should I expect from my 8 year old daughter?

One component of social and emotional growth in 8- to 10-year olds is their desire for increased independence from parents and siblings, and their increased desire to be seen as intelligent and knowledgeable. As they struggle to find the means to appropriately individuate, they can, at times, seem willful or defiant.