Tips and tricks

Where do you kick the ball to curve it?

Where do you kick the ball to curve it?

Kick your shot to the side away from where you want it to curve. If you are planning to curve the ball to the left, kick the ball a little to the left of your target to account for the curve. Conversely, if you plan to curve the ball to the right, you should aim left of your target.

How do you curve the ball in soccer?

Curving a soccer ball requires you to put side-spin on the ball. Spinning the ball clockwise will curve the ball to the right, and spinning it counter-clockwise will curve the ball to the left. Like anything else on the pitch, bending or curving the ball takes not only artistry but a ton of practice.

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When shooting which part of the foot should you use to put curve on the ball?

Inside foot shot: To perform an inside shot, the player moves their hip outside and then kicks the ball with the middle of the inside of the foot for a curve effect. Outside foot shot / trivela: To do an outside foot shot, the ball is hit with the outside three toes of the foot to get a curve effect.

How do you kick a soccer ball better?

12 Steps to a Great Kick

  1. Take a good touch. Kicking a ball that is too close will reduce your power and accuracy.
  2. Look Up (optional). Look up quickly before kicking the ball.
  3. Look at the Ball.
  4. Place your foot.
  5. Swing your arms.
  6. Bring back your kicking leg.
  7. Lock your ankle.
  8. Keep your body straight.

Can you kick a soccer ball with the outside of your foot?

By kicking with the outside of your foot, you will make the ball curve from left to right if you use your right foot, or from right to left if you use your left foot. There are 2 important points when kicking with the outside of your foot : the positioning of the standing foot and the kick itself.

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How do you hit a soccer ball with a curve?

With the right foot, kick the ball in the bottom right of the ball to curve it left. To curve it right, use the left foot to strike the lower left of the ball. Now, we want to add some elevation. To do this, hit the ball further down to increase height mid-flight.

How to kick a soccer ball to the right?

Well, if you’re kicking with your right foot, you want to hit the bottom right part of the soccer ball as this will enable you to curve it to the left. To curve the ball right, use your left foot and strike the lower left side of the ball. Next… To add more elevation, hit the ball further down to increase the height.

How do you spin a soccer ball counter clockwise?

Counter-clockwise spin, from a kick to the right side of the ball, will curve the ball to the left. Swing your leg around as your kick. As you move your leg forward and strike the ball, add extra spin by pushing the ball around with your foot.

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How do you do a curcurve kick?

Curve kicks are very hard to do, but with practice you can pull it off. If you want the ball to curve around the goalkeeper, aim a little outside the side post to anticipate the ball’s curve.