
What is Aquarius darkest secret?

What is Aquarius darkest secret?

AQUARIUS: You’re controlling and you always think you’re right and will refuse to ever change your mind. You’d rather threaten the people you care about than dare be disobeyed.

Can Aquarians be evil?

Aquarius- Cold calculating elitists. But on the evil side, they can be tactless, self-absorbed and erratic. They will run from problems and deny their mistakes, but they’ll never let you do the same.

Are Aquarius psychopaths?

AQUARIUS has what it takes to be an emotional psychopath. Aquarius lack empathy, which is a common trait among people who are emotional psychopaths.

How do Aquarius handle death?

To a lot of people, Aquarius seems to be pretty emotionally distant during times of grieving and loss, even when she’s dealing with death. But in reality, she’s dealing with death her own way. She knows that to close herself off from everyone around her after she’s lost someone doesn’t help the heart heal.

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What is Aquarius biggest enemy?

You and Scorpions are highly stubborn and this is why you don’t get along well with each other. Stubbornness and don’t give up attitude of yours and Scorpions would lead to frustration. Scorpions have strong will power while you work on convictions. You and Scorpions always want to change each other.

How do you console an Aquarius man?

There’s a way to know how to love an Aquarius man.

  1. Take him on an adventure. Aquarius men are easily bored.
  2. Surprise him. Aquarius men love to be surprised.
  3. Have a lot of sex with him.
  4. Be a daredevil in the bedroom.
  5. Remember: he’s incredibly sensitive!
  6. Be 100\% real and upfront.
  7. Be weird, fun, and make him laugh.

What is the Dark Side of Aquarius?

The dark side of Aquarius is actually not as dark as you think. Aquarius is the fixed air sign of the zodiac. People born under this sign are intelligent, friendly, easygoing, cool and unique. However, not many know that they also have a cold and ruthless side.

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How would you describe an Aquarius personality?

Aquarians can be: unpredictable, cold, aloof, distant, argumentative, stubborn, solitary, and predatory with a superiority complex. The unevolved Aquarian is a force to be reckoned with, as they will rebel and bring about a revolution radically; so, watch out.

What makes Aquarius natives so unique?

What unique about Aquarius natives is their ability of remaining emotional distance with people around them. Their yearning for freedom sets them apart from the world and creates some dark side behaviors. They may become narcissistic, uncompassionate, and complicated.

Is Aquarius bad for relationships?

They lack empathy Though the dark side of Aquarius is not dangerous, their lack of empathy may cause emotional pain to people surrounding them. They find it hard to understand and empathize with others’ feelings.