
How did Thor know Thanos was in Wakanda?

How did Thor know Thanos was in Wakanda?

The Russo Brothers broke it down as part of the Avengers: Infinity War Vudu Viewing Party when a fan asked how they knew about the battle. They wrote “Thor knows Thanos is going after the Stones, and he knows that there are Stones on Earth, so that’s what leads him to Wakanda.

Can Thor create Bifrost?

Otherwise known as an Einstein-Rosen bridge, the Bifrost is a wormhole that can transport a person from one place to another. On Asgard, it took a massive installation to create the Bifrost, but Thor can do it just by holding Stormbreaker.

How did Thanos Army know to go to Wakanda?

Thor knew that the Mind Stone was on Earth (inside Vision’s head), and he figured that Thanos would head there eventually, and therefore beamed down to intercept him. How did Thanos know to go to Wakanda, specifically? The reveal that Red Skull is free, now that Thanos collected the Soul Stone.

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How did Thor get to Wakanda?

How did Thor get into Wakanda? In Infinity War, Thor arrives in Wakanda to help the Avengers defeat Thanos and his army. Thor, Groot and Rocket standing where the suface is burned much like after Bifrost travel.

Does Thanos beat Thor in Avengers?

Wielding the mighty Stormbreaker , Thor singlehandedly takes on Thanos moments before he’s able to follow through on his plan to wipe out half the universe. Unfortunately, Thor’s grand entrance is lost on a technicality, and Thanos succeeds after all.

How did Thor know exactly where to show up?

According to this question How did Thor know exactly where to show up?, the OP states that: Thor, Rocket, and Groot use the Bifrost ability of the newly forged weapon to go to Wakanda. But even when Thor had his Hammer he needed Heimdal’s help to get into earth and other realms. Does the new Axe have the power to send Thor wherever he wants?

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How did Thor return to Earth in Infinity War?

In Infinity War, Thor arrives in Wakanda to help the Avengers defeat Thanos and his army. Thor, Groot and Rocket standing where the suface is burned much like after Bifrost travel. According to an answer for the question How did Thor return to Earth in The Avengers?, Thor gets back to Earth in the last movie using a newly created Bifrost bridge.