Tips and tricks

Is Thanos a war criminal?

Is Thanos a war criminal?

Thanos. Human rights abuses: crimes against humanity, mass murder, torture, war crimes including targeting civilians and murder and ill-treatment of prisoners of war. Thanos turns out to be the ultimate villain in the films, giving a bad name to environmentalists everywhere.

What crimes did Thanos commit?

The crimes of Thanos transcend crimes against humanity into crimes against life. Thanos did everything from kidnap children after murdering their parents to universal genocide. Prosecuting him would be extremely complex, but that is not a reason to withdraw from the rule of law.

What happens to Thor in Avengers Endgame?

What Happens to Thor in Avengers: Endgame? One-third of the MCU’s trinity, Thor (Chris Hemsworth) was set to play a major role in Avengers: Endgame. At the very least, the character ended up having one of the movie’s most unique arcs from beginning to end, with a few surprising moments to boot.

Did cap save Thor from Thanos?

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Not only was he saving Thor from Thanos, who was on the brink of offing the God of Thunder before Cap summoned Mjolnir, but he was also joining an elite group of the worthy — a man among mostly gods. Like Ford said, “Cap is that guy.”

What did Chris Hemsworth’s Thor say in Endgame?

With just three words, Chris Hemsworth’s Thor spoke for us all in Avengers: Endgame. When Chris Evans’ Captain America picked up Thor’s hammer Mjolnir in the battle scene at the end of the movie, the God of Thunder looked up and uttered, “I knew it!”

What happened to Thanos at the beginning of Avengers?

At the very beginning of the movie, a few of the Avengers manage to locate Thanos (Josh Brolin) on his retirement planet. After they arrive on the planet, they find out the Mad Titan has already destroyed the Infinity Stones because his mission has been accomplished.