Tips and tricks

How do I set up my Tanpura Droid?

How do I set up my Tanpura Droid?

Tanpura droid is a software version of tanpura. Then it asks you to select you the first string. Try selecting Sa or Pa. Then set the volume and speed as per requirement and you are ready to go.

How can I practice SA in tanpura?

First start by only plucking the Sa strings (or turning off the Pa on your electronic tanpura) and trying to match the Sa of the tanpura with your voice or your instrument. The sound should match completely and you should not hear any “beats”. Then, add in the Pa and match both Pa and Sa.

What is first string in Tanpura Droid?

The male tanpura has an open string length of approximately one metre; the female is three-fourths of the male. For ragas that omit the fifth tone, pa, the first string is tuned down to the natural fourth: 4-8-8-1 or Ma-sa-sa-Sa.

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How do you use tanpura?

Tanpura Playing Technique

  1. Be seated in a cross legged posture on a mat.
  2. Place the Tanpura on your lap.
  3. Rest your right arm in parallel to the stem of the Tanpura.
  4. Strum using the left edge of your fingers.
  5. For Hindustani style play all four strings at equal intervals.
  6. For Carnatic style play Pancham for 2 counts.

How does a Shruti box work?

The instrument works by moving air through small metal ‘free’ reeds fixed to an internal wooden reed-board. The air pressure causes the reeds to vibrate, creating sound. The reed-board comprises 13 reeds, tuned to a chromatic scale, spanning one octave. Each reed has a corresponding key located on the front keyboard.

What is pitch in Tanpura?

The typical pitch of female tanpuras is around the key G. With their traditional bulbous pumpkin sound-box and long neck, their entire length amounts to 120 – 130 cm.

What is semi pitch in Tanpura?

For pitch semi, This is to do with fine tuning of pitch. If you’re not playing according to the standard tuning (A = 440 Hz), you can use the pitch semi to tune up or tune down your pitch in cents to match your pitch.

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What is pitch in tanpura?

What are the notes on a shruti box?

Typically shruti boxes are tuned from C to C and G to G, but a number of modern producers in India, the UK, and Germany currently sell boxes in a range of scales as well as octaves. A male shruti box is tuned one octave lower than a female shruti box.