Tips and tricks

What does it mean if I have nothing in my 10th house?

What does it mean if I have nothing in my 10th house?

Just because you have an empty 10th house doesn’t mean you’re a slacker. Lucky for you, it probably means you won’t have to face many challenges or dramatic shifts in your career path. And even if your fourth house is empty, you could have extremely strong bonds with your parents.

What does it mean to have no houses in your birth chart?

It simply means that the empty house in question in your birth chart is an area of your life that may not be as significant to you as the houses with planets.

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What rules the 10th house?

The Tenth House is where you receive your coveted lifetime achievement award. Capricorn rules this House, and that reveals that it’s the weighty, substantial matters in focus here. It’s been called the House of World Leaders, since it’s a stance of planning across time, and for things that will last.

What is 10th house in birth chart?

The Tenth House of Social Status The Tenth House also governs public image, professional aspirations, and career achievements. Natal planets in the Tenth House reveal an ambitious individual, and changes in the profession often occur when planets transit this zone. This House corresponds with Capricorn energy.

What does an empty 10th house mean in a natal chart?

First of all, an empty 10th house shouldn’t be taken as a sign that your professional life is doomed or nonexistent — you could be gainfully employed your entire working life with nary a planet in the 10th house. That said, your career probably isn’t the focus of your life.

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How many houses can be empty in astrology?

Because of this, at least two houses will always be empty. Having more planets in a single house is extremely common, like a stellium, for example. So in turn, everyone has them, with no exceptions. Many people worry or question that an empty house in astrology shows an area of life where they will struggle or have difficulties.

How many houses are there in a birth chart?

And by default, there are 12 houses in a birth chart. Because of this, at least two houses will always be empty. Having more planets in a single house is extremely common, like a stellium, for example. So in turn, everyone has them, with no exceptions.

What happens when there are no planets in your first house?

In an empty house, you can expect a less complicated scene: when there are no planets, there is less energy you have to use in the corresponding life areas. It’s perfectly normal to have a lot of empty houses in astrology. If there are no planets in your first house, you are not focused on yourself in this lifetime.