
What do you say if someone says why do you like me?

What do you say if someone says why do you like me?

Here are 12 sweet things to say to your boyfriend or girlfriend when they ask, “Why do you love me?”

  1. “I love you because you are you.
  2. “You are like sunshine itself, and I feel better when I’m with you.”
  3. “I love how I feel when I’m with you.”
  4. “You accept me for me.

How do you answer the question Who are you like?

We can start answering the question by:

  1. Decoding Your Personality and Core Values. Ask yourself what’s most important to you. What makes you happy?
  2. Discovering Your Passions. What drives you? Inspires you?
  3. Discovering Your Skills. What are you good at?
  4. Sum up with a personal statement as an example.
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How do you tell your man how you feel about him?

Cute ways to tell him you love him

  1. “When I think of you it makes me smile.”
  2. “I feel special when I am around you.”
  3. “When I wake in the morning, you are my first thought.”
  4. “I am so lucky to have you in my life.”
  5. “You are my favorite distraction.”
  6. “Hey there handsome.”
  7. “I appreciate you so much.”
  8. “You are my best friend.”

How do you like me meaning?

“How do you like me now?” is a rhetorical question meaning something like “Aren’t you impressed with me now?” rather than “What do you think of me?”, so it wouldn’t be appropriate as a substitute for “what do you think of me?”

How to answer why do you love me question?

How To Answer Why Do You Love Me Question: 1. Because of the way you make me smile. Smiling gives a shiver of blush to anyone even after a small fight between lovers. Smiling gives an intensity of feeling and greatly affects their behavior. 2.

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How do you respond when someone asks you why you like them?

Take their question seriously. Their sudden question may some weird or silly to you, but they probably really want to know why you like them. Stop what you’re doing and focus on the person so that you can give them a good answer. Smile and look them in the eyes when you reply.

What does “why do you Love Me?

“Why do you love me?” is a question that presumes that you do love the person who is asking, and such a big assumption is usually never made by anyone on a whim.

How do you ask a girl what they like About You?

“I like that you’re a happy and positive person. You create a good vibe around yourself and I like being around you.” Focus on their personality instead of their appearance. It might seem like the right move to mention their looks, but try to place a lot more importance on their personality when you answer this question.