
Do we still need to read the classics?

Do we still need to read the classics?

From Wang’s and Gao’s perspectives, the classics still need to be taught and read because of their content, even though their authors are not a very diverse group. “Some literature that falls into the ‘classics’ category is, simply put, good literature that students can learn from,” Gao said.

Why is it important to read classics?

Reading the classics can also help you appreciate your favorite books even more. You’ll see how the classics contributed to their style, subject, and themes. You’ll understand literary allusions your favorite author makes, catch on to little “inside jokes,” and start to view authors as part of a rich literary legacy.

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Should I teach classic literature?

Teaching Classics Teaches Character Classical literature helps students understand more complex ideas. It also assists students in developing character, says educator Lisa Van Gemert. “Quality books often contain thought-provoking socio-ethical situations, thus leading to character development.

Should we read classic literature?

Classic literature is important because it opens up a perspective to different worlds and historical perspectives. Reading classic novels has also improved my overall vocabulary and writing skills because writers from an older time period have unique styles of writing.

Why should classics be taught in schools?

Classic books give us a view of different cultures, different worlds, and different perspectives of history. Reading books with strong ideas in them is good for your mind. You benefit even if you don’t agree with those ideas because, in that way, you discover the validity and strength of your own ideas.

Should students read more modern Shakespeare?

On the other hand, reading more of the modern equivalent of Shakespeare will not only acclimate students to the literature that they will be immersed in every single day of their lives, but it will also be more relatable (and hence, students are more likely to fully read and contemplate the book).

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Should Shakespeare be in the Common Core?

Studying Shakespeare is required in the Common Core English Language Arts standards, but the Bard secured his place on the English curriculum in American classrooms long before the Common Core was established.

What is the most popular book in Shakespeare?

Today, the Folger Shakespeare Library Editions are the most popular Shakespeare texts used in American high school classrooms. In 2015 and in 2014, Romeo and Juliet was the top seller, followed by Hamlet, Macbeth, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Othello, and Julius Caesar.

Is Shakespeare still relevant in today’s Society?

Shakespeare’s works are no longer relevant to today’s day and age. Shakespeare works are difficult for students to relate to and often require deep analysis in order to fully understand. The majority of high school students would prefer to study works that pertain to more modern times.