Does RBI Grade B have interview?

Does RBI Grade B have interview?

RBI Grade B Interview is the third and last stage of the RBI Grade B Exam. The first two stages are the Prelims followed by the Mains Exam, both of which are written exams.

Should I go for UPSC or RBI?

Conclusion: If you’re exceedingly well in Quantitative Aptitude and Logical Reasoning, then you should choose the RBI Grade B Exam. And subjects like history, geography, polity fascinates you, you should prepare for the UPSC CSE exam.

How to become an RBI Assistant Officer?

RBI assistant is a clerical job and you have to perform clerical duties in various departments of RBI. After a period 3 years, you have to take departmental exam and if you are successful, you can become Grade A officer, depending on the vacancies available. You are eligible to sit for Grade A officer after completing 3 years as assistant.

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When will the RBI grade B officer 2021 exam be released?

As per the latest news by RBI, the official notification of RBI Grade B Officer 2021 exam released on January 25, 2021, and the official notification for the last recruitment which was held in 2019 was released on September 20, 2019. Given below are the important RBI Grade B 2021 exam dates for the reference of candidates:

What is the probation period of an a rank assistant in RBI?

RBI assistant has a probation period of six months. The promotion policy says the after three years of confirmed service, an Assistant is eligible to appear for promotion exam. So Assistant become Grade A in 3.5 to 4 years.

Can I give RBI grade B exam after passing class 12th?

No, the RBI Grade B exam cannot be given immediately after passing class 12th. Candidate must be a minimum of 21 years of age and have a Bachelor’s degree in any discipline to apply for the RBI Grade B Exam. Q 3.When is the RBI Grade B exam 2021 scheduled to be conducted?