
Are people at Harvard friendly?

Are people at Harvard friendly?

Harvard students are happy, friendly people just like anyone else. They help friends or even strangers with homework, value physical and mental health over grades, and like to have fun. In short, Harvard students are just like any other college students, which is why I chose Harvard.

Is Harvard really free?

If your family’s income is less than $65,000, you’ll pay nothing. For more than ninety percent of American families, Harvard costs less than a public university. All students receive the same aid regardless of nationality or citizenship.

What are the pros and cons of Harvard University?

Harvard offers a very generous financial program, and the financial aid officers here will make sure that finances will not be the reason you would not choose Harvard College. A Harvard education can cost less than a piece of Bazooka bubble gum. Harvard, for most families, is cheaper than attending their state’s college or university. That’s huge.

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Why is Harvard University so well known?

There isn’t a person alive who hasn’t heard of Harvard University. Its prestige is known throughout the entire world. I figured go big or go home. Plus, I’m pretty sure Hogwarts clothing and architecture is based on Harvard.

Is it worth it to attend Harvard?

Harvard, for most families, is cheaper than attending their state’s college or university. That’s huge. One, because that means that Harvard’s actually doable; two, because that means you can graduate debt-free; and also three, because that means that the student body can be diverse and filled with the best people possible.

What is it like to be an alum at Harvard?

Alums always want to help you out. When you come here, you become part of the Harvard family with cool people like Bill Gates and Elle Woods. Harvard has the best of all worlds in my opinion of being in a city, being in a college town, and being its own college.