
Can you fix an uneven septum piercing?

Can you fix an uneven septum piercing?

If the septum piercing is crooked due to the angle at which it was pierced, there are two choices: you can remove the piercing, allow it to heal and try again. Or you can opt to keep the piercing as-is and ask your piercer to modify your jewelry with a custom bend to compensate for the angle.

How do I make sure my septum piercing is straight?

You only need a dot on the side where you’re going to insert the needle, but you may want to make dots on both sides to make sure they line up. Draw a line across the bottom of your septum with your surgical marker, in line with the spot to be pierced. This will help you keep the piercing straight.

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How do you tell if your septum is pierced in the right spot?

The piercings should be towards the front of the nose, and placed up at the nostrils. If a ring is oversized, it may have some hang, but there should be some that show a properly fitted placement. A red flag is all photos where the jewelry hangs down to the lip.

What is it called when one nostril is bigger than the other?

Many people have an uneven septum, which makes one nostril larger than the other. Severe unevenness is known as a deviated septum. It can cause health complications such as a blocked nostril or difficulty breathing. An uneven septum is very common.

Are septum piercings crooked at first?

The Septum Piercings are one of the most widely worn and oldest non-ear piercings known to man. Swelling during the first few weeks can make the piercing appear to be crooked too. Siince the most common jewelry used is an expanded Circular Barbell, sometimes the jewelry itself will end up a little crooked.

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What should I know before getting a septum piercing?

Placement: The septum, aka the layer of cartilage between the nostrils Aftercare: Soak with saline solution two times per day and avoid unnecessary touching. Keep soap and skincare products away from the immediate area. Read on to learn everything you need know before getting a septum piercing.

Can you get a septum piercing with 14 karat gold?

If you opt for a gold septum piercing, it needs to be 14 karat or higher. It can be yellow, white, or rose gold — just be sure that it’s solid as opposed to gold-plated or gold-filled. Not only do these contain alloys, including nickel, but the plating can also peel off over time.

How deep does a septum piercing penetrate the cartilage?

A septum piercing, however, shouldn’t penetrate the cartilage. It should go through the softer space of tissue just below the septum. Piercers refer to it as the “sweet spot.”

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Is it normal for a deviated septum to look weird?

Also, while deviated septums are pretty normal, you’ll want an experienced piercer if you have one—it can get wonky-looking if it’s pierced wrong. “You can either pierce a septum freehand, using a receiving tube or popping some clamps onto the area,” Lamb says.