
What are banks looking for in tellers?

What are banks looking for in tellers?

Most bank teller positions require candidates to show substantial prior work experience in customer service positions. Aside from strong math skills and exceptional attention to detail, strong customer service skills are critical to excelling as a bank teller.

What happens if a bank teller overpays you?

If you find out that the bank teller withdrew from your account the exact amount that you have in hand, simply go back to the bank to redeposit the overage. This teller simply made a mistake when processing the debit to your account.

Can bank teller steal my money?

Prosecutors say the stolen info can come from a bank teller. Cyrus Vance, Manhattan’s top attorney, says bad tellers are often part of the larger identity theft rings. “Bank tellers have access to very confidential data,” said Vance.

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What happens if a teller mistake is not resolved?

Teller differences not resolved in the branch may be sent on to an internal auditing department which examines teller transactions for errors or audited by the bank management. The difference analyst or manager reviews the teller’s transaction tapes and paperwork to see if a transaction was incorrectly registered in the computer.

Are tellers just standing around or are they actually working?

When they’re in-between customers, tellers have lots of other tasks to do and the perception that they’re just standing around isn’t quite accurate.

What happens if a teller loses too much money?

If the amount lost is below that amount, a running tally is kept and the teller is on warning until the end of the year (when their balance resets to $0) or the teller goes above their set limit and is fired. Did you find this page helpful?

How do bank tellers get fired for overages?

Typically tellers are allowed a certain amount of overages per calendar year before the teller is fired or investigated for theft. If the amount lost is below that amount, a running tally is kept and the teller is on warning until the end of the year (when their balance resets to $0) or the teller goes above their set limit and is fired.