Did the Greeks really hide in a wooden horse?

Did the Greeks really hide in a wooden horse?

But in the Aeneid by Virgil, after a fruitless 10-year siege, the Greeks at the behest of Odysseus constructed a huge wooden horse and hid a select force of men inside, including Odysseus himself. The Greeks pretended to sail away, and the Trojans pulled the horse into their city as a victory trophy.

Did they actually use a horse in the Trojan War?

Turns out the epic wooden horse that gave the Greeks their victory was all a myth. Actually, historians are pretty much unanimous: the Trojan Horse was just a myth, but Troy was certainly a real place.

Is the Trojan horse story true?

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Unfortunately, many if not all historians have come together and decided that the Trojan horse story was not true. Famously, the Greeks won the Trojan war by gifting the people of Troy a giant wooden horse. The story of the Trojan horse might be more embellished than fully fabricated.

Did the Greeks actually invade Troy?

In legend, Troy is a city that was besieged for 10 years and eventually conquered by a Greek army led by King Agamemnon. The reason for this “Trojan War” was, according to Homer’s “Iliad,” the abduction of Helen, a queen from Sparta. This abduction was done by Paris, the son of Troy’s King Priam.

Are the Trojans Greek?

A generation ago scholars thought that the Trojans were Greeks, like the men who attacked them. To be sure, Greek pottery and Greek speakers were also found at Troy, but neither predominated. New documents suggest that most Trojans spoke a language closely related to Hittite and that Troy was a Hittite ally.

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What happened to the Trojan Horse in the Battle of Troy?

Trojan Horse. The Greeks pretended to sail away, and the Trojans pulled the horse into their city as a victory trophy. That night the Greek force crept out of the horse and opened the gates for the rest of the Greek army, which had sailed back under cover of night. The Greeks entered and destroyed the city of Troy, ending the war.

Who built the Trojan Horse in ancient Greece?

See Article History. Trojan horse, huge hollow wooden horse constructed by the Greeks to gain entrance into Troy during the Trojan War. The horse was built by Epeius, a master carpenter and pugilist.

What does the priest Laocoön say about the Trojan Horse?

While questioning Sinon, the Trojan priest Laocoön guesses the plot and warns the Trojans, in Virgil’s famous line Timeo Danaos et dona ferentes (“I fear Greeks, even those bearing gifts”), Danai ( acc Danaos) or Danaans (Homer’s name for the Greeks) being the ones who had built the Trojan Horse.

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What happened in the Trojan War in Greece?

Trojan War. When the Trojans brought the horse into their city, the hidden Greeks opened the gates to their comrades, who then sacked Troy, massacred its men, and carried off its women.