Tips and tricks

How were monkeys used in war?

How were monkeys used in war?

The monkeys were used as live incendiary devices. The animals were clothed with straw, dipped in oil and set on fire. They were set loose into the enemy’s camp, thereby setting the tents on fire, and driving the whole camp into chaos.

What animals are in the military?

Dogs and horses are well known companions of the Armed Forces but dolphins, sea lions, monkeys, pigeons and elephants all feature in the history of the militarisation of animals. A cat has even been recruited as a spy.

Do police train their dogs?

All police dogs must first become experts at basic obedience training. They must obey the commands of their handler without hesitation. This is what keeps the inherent aggression of the dog in check, and allows the officer to control how much force the dog is using against a suspect.

How did cats help in WW2?

Unofficially, cats were often welcomed aboard ships to help with rodent control and similarly in barracks and military field offices. A good ratter could help preserve often precious food stores, help in preventing the spread of diseases, and keep rats or mice from chewing through ropes and wiring.

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What dogs do the military use?

While the military uses labs, retrievers, and other breeds including a Jack Russell or two for detection, the most popular breeds of war dogs are Belgian Malinois, Dutch Shepherd, and the ever popular German Shepherd.

What’s the deal with the monkey Warriers?

The monkey warriers aren’t fighting in battle. Instead, they’re guarding the air base from birds, who too often get themselves caught up in aircraft engines. The military has tried scarecrows, bird netting, firecrackers and even live ammunition to decimate their nests… to no avail.

Did China just train a troop of macaque soldiers?

The latest example might be China’s troop of macaque soldiers. According to a report in the Washington Post, the People’s Liberation Army revealed that they’ve trained a small troop of macaques at one of their air bases, somewhere in northern China. From the photos, I can’t quite tell which macaque species they appear to be.

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What is paramilitary training for police officers?

In this view, paramilitary training takes undisciplined young recruits and turns them into lean, mean fighting machines, ready to handle the rigors of street patrol. In most police departments, paramilitary traditions extend well beyond the academy.

Should police be trained for anti-bias?

In the wake of so many police shootings of Black Americans, some politicians have called for a renewed focus on anti-bias training. Police departments should be trained for “racial and religious bias,” Biden opined in USA Today, adding that chokeholds should be banned and officers should be tracked for their use of force.