Tips and tricks

Is it OK to use adblock on YouTube?

Is it OK to use adblock on YouTube?

No. Adblock might be good for the individual consumers that are using it, short term. However, longer term, if successful, ad blockers will shape the Internet in a way that will end up hurting consumers.

Do YouTube views count if you have adblock?

Re: Youtube – No View Count for Adblock Users The strange thing about this is that this entry is not responsible for disabling the ads. So even after disabling this entry, ads on youtube are still blocked, but the views will count nevethless.

Does AdBlock still give money?

Adblock Plus generates revenue mainly through the Acceptable Ads program. According to the company, some users do donate, but the bulk of cash comes from the whitelisted ads licensing model. However, 90 percent of whitelist licenses are granted for free to small companies that do not reach this ad impression level.

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Do YouTubers get paid if you block ads on YouTube?

So if you are using ad blockers, it is somewhat affected the ad revenue of the uploader – but not all of them. To cut right to the chase, the simple answer is NO, if you block ads on Youtube, no one gets paid. Google only counts actual ad views, impressions, and actual conversions of those ads.

How do YouTube publishers make money with adblockers?

Most youtube publishers get paid for ads displayed on their channels. If you use adblock it will block the ad and he person who produced the content does not get paid. Every entity loses money with Adblockers. The publisher, the marketing agency if one is involved, and the advertiser.

How do YouTubers make money?

To make money from all of this popular video content, YouTube has rolled out a number of different ad formats, from simple banner ads to video ads that run before and during YouTube videos. Doing so has allowed YouTube content creators to monetize their channels, which allows those creators to turn their passion into a full-time job.

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Do we get paid for the views we get from adblockers?

No. If the viewer uses an adblocker then the ad does not run and you do not get paid for that view. Yes, thus why views are broken down (for partners) into Total views and Monetized views. Generally speaking only about 30\% of all views are monetizable. Of course this will vary from partner to partner.