Is an upvote the same as a like?

Is an upvote the same as a like?

Yes, a Quora “upvote” is similar to a Facebook “like.” You are indicating your agreement with that particular answer even if you are not “following” the writer on Quora. One difference is the “downvote” arrow.

What does upvote mean?

verb (used with or without object), up·vot·ed, up·vot·ing. to cast a vote in support of (an online comment, article, etc.) by clicking on an arrow or other icon, usually affecting the post’s rank or position on a website. noun. such a favorable vote: One of my posts is getting lots of upvotes.

What is upvote or Downvote?

Note On influence cards, upvotes count as likes received. Your own upvotes on your own posts or comments aren’t counted towards influence. Downvoting a post or comment doesn’t reduce the like count, unless a user is changing their own upvote to a downvote.

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Is a Reddit upvote a like?

In general, an upvote in Reddit is similar to other general use kinds of indicators such as a “Like” on Facebook. These types of indicators need clear and concrete rules for consistent application.

What does upvote mean on Quora?

Another feature on Quora that is helpful to users is the upvote and downvote option. If you see a response on Quora that you think perfectly answers the question presented, you can upvote it. If a response has a lot of upvotes, it is seen as valid and Quora will push it to the top of the response list.

What is Upvoting on discord?

Discord & Feature Upvote. New Message Posted to Channel. Triggers when a new message is posted to a specific text channel.

What does upvote mean on youtube?

Upvoting is how you tell your classmates that they posted a good question or comment. To upvote a question, click the question mark icon in the comment bubble. To upvote a comment, click the checkmark icon in the comment bubble. Upvoting tells the author of the comment that it helped your understanding.

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What does it mean to upvote something?

to cast a vote in support of (an online comment, article, etc.) by clicking on an arrow or other icon, usually affecting the post’s rank or position on a website. noun. such a favorable vote: One of my posts is getting lots of upvotes. Words nearby upvote. Origin of upvote.

What is the difference between upvote and downvote on Reddit?

There’s a Reddit-intended use, a subreddit-intended use, and then there’s agree/disagree. Vote. If you think something contributes to conversation, upvote it. If you think it does not contribute to the subreddit it is posted in or is off-topic in a particular community, downvote it.

What’s wrong with upvoting and downvoting?

A problem with votes and what they should be is that when you upvote or downvote a post, it goes into the Liked or Disliked section of your profile. Reddiquette and reddit itself contradict each other, at least on the surface. I think the problem is karma. Think about it, we treasure our karma because it’s a point system.

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When to upvote or downvote a post?

If you think something contributes to conversation, upvote it. If you think it does not contribute to the subreddit it is posted in or is off-topic in a particular community, downvote it. Subreddits have their own rules for voting that are often a subset of these.