
Can you live with Tibetan monks?

Can you live with Tibetan monks?

For a couple of months you can Live in a Buddhist monastery as a volunteer to gain the experience of a lifetime. A Buddhist Monastery volunteer gets the opportunity to not just intermingle with the Buddhist people, but live like the way they do and understand their hardships and also their culture, traditions.

How do I permanently become a monk?

You will be asked to take the lifelong vows of a Buddhist monk and you will be ordained as such. You will be asked to commit to a celibate lifestyle and relinquish your material goods. Stay for five years. When one is ordained to be a Buddhist monk, one traditionally stays with that monastery for five years.

Can a foreigner become a Tibetan monk?

It often comes as a surprise to foreigners that one can become a monk for only three months but even more surprising is that it’s possible for someone, no matter what they look like or where they come from can be ordained as a monk and practice for as little as two days.

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Can anyone become a Tibetan monk?

In the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, monastic vows are for life, but in recent years monasteries in Thailand and Burma have offered part-time vows. The requirements are that monks must be older than seven and younger than 60, while nuns must be 18-60, and they don’t need to shave their heads.

How many years does it take to become a monk?

How Long Does It Take To Become A Buddhist Monk? You will spend three to five years before you become a fully ordained monk or nun. However, it takes less than three years to become a novice monk.

Can monks have hair?

Orthodox monks traditionally never cut their hair or beards after receiving the monastic tonsure as a sign of the consecration of their lives to God (reminiscent of the Vow of the Nazirite).

Can monks eat meat?

Many Buddhists interpret this to mean that you should not consume animals, as doing so would require killing. Buddhists with this interpretation usually follow a lacto-vegetarian diet. This means they consume dairy products but exclude eggs, poultry, fish, and meat from their diet.

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Is it possible to join the Tibetan monks and training?

If you want to be with Tibetan monks in an Asian setting, then the most conventional, guide-book answer would be be Mcleod If by joining the Tibetan monks and training you mean living a monastic life for a while in a monastery in Tibet, then the answer is no.

What is it like inside a Tibetan monastery?

Inside the monastery is a calm, peaceful and beautiful setting where Tibetan Buddhist monks live, pray and eat. It is here that you can live with the Buddhist monks, learn about Buddhism, be guided in meditation and stay for your retreat.

What do Tibetan monks pray for?

In Tibetan monasteries, it is common for Tibetans to provide tea and porridge to monks. And in return, the monks chant the scripture for them. Monks would pray for happiness for a family or pray for the rest and peace for a deceased family member.

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What is the best place to practice Tibetan Buddhism?

However, practicing authentic Tibetan Buddhism, Vajrayana, in a monastery with Tibetan monks and authentic teachers – that you can do. A very good place for it would be actually in Nepal. When in Nepal, go straight to the great stupa area, called Boudha in Kathmandu.