What is Islamic perspective?

What is Islamic perspective?

As a religion, Islam upholds knowledge as the key to both individual and societal salvation. With the idea of unity of reality and knowledge as a guiding principle it refuses to entertain any distinction between the religious and the secular in the realm of knowledge.

What does Quran say about teachers?

Allah and His Prophets teach us to be obedient and listen to our teachers in order to be successful in life. Teachers are those people who are not kings themselves but who make others kings. This means if the student is obedient and respects his or her teachers, Allah assists him in achieving his or her goals.

How did Muslims view the Crusades?

The Crusaders replied that it was because Muslims had killed Jesus Christ and captured the Holy Land and they were here to win it back. The Muslims soldiers found this rather amusing and had to inform the Crusaders that it was Jews who killed Jesus, much to the Crusaders’ annoyance.

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How did the Crusades affect Muslims?

Two major effects of the Crusades were that the kings’ authority increased and the Europeans learned about new things from the Muslims they encountered. During the Crusades, the kings increased taxes to fund the cause. Many peasants also left their land to fight, and when they died, the land went to the king.

What did Muslims do during the Crusades?

The Muslims won over the Roman Catholic Christians during the Crusades. The Roman Catholic Christians conducted nine or 10 military expeditions with the objective to recapture the Holy Land of Jerusalem and other sacred, important places from the Muslims.

What were the causes of the Crusades?

Verified answer. The fights were between the Christians in Europe and the Muslims in the middle east and the it is for the control of Jerusalem. The three main causes of the crusade are: the persecution of the Christians in Jerusalem [3000 were killed], religious conviction and the call of the Byzantine empire which asked the pope for help.