
How much rice do I need for 70 people?

How much rice do I need for 70 people?

There are 2 1/2 cups of rice per pound, so figure 7 pounds of rice to serve 70…but add another pound.

How many people does 1 cup of white rice serve?

How Many People Will One Cup Of Uncooked Rice Serve? One cup of raw uncooked rice would be enough to serve 3 people after cooking.

How much rice do I need for 65 people?

You would need about 20 cups of dry white rice to make 60 cups of cooked rice. A cup of cooked rice per person is a pretty big serving, so it also depends on what else you are serving. Brown rice cooks up differently, and is usually heavier.

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What is the water to rice ratio?

2 to 1
To cook long-grained white rice on the stove, use a 2 to 1 water to rice ratio. Bring 2 cups of water to a boil in a small saucepan with a tight-fitting lid. You can add an optional pinch of salt if you wish.

How many servings will 2 cups of rice make?

One (1) cup raw rice yields 3 ½ cups cooked rice, or enough for 3 light eaters. To be sure you have enough rice, prepare 1 ½ cups raw rice for 3 or 4 people and 2 cups raw rice for 4 to 6 people.

How much does 1 cup of uncooked rice serve?

Rice Conversions & Equivalents

1 cup uncooked white rice yields 3 cups of cooked white rice
Assuming 1 cup of cooked rice per person.
¾ cup (96 grams) uncooked rice serves 2 persons
1 cup (180 grams) uncooked rice serves 3 persons
2 cups (360 grams) uncooked rice serves 6 persons

How do you make one serving of rice?

Pour the rice into a pan over a low heat, then add the butter or oil, if using, and stir to coat the rice grains. Add double the amount of water (2 cups, or 150ml water for a 75g serving) plus some salt, if you like. To shorten the cooking time, add boiling water. Bring to a boil.

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How many cups of rice do you need for 50 people?

When feeding a group of 50 people, 25 cups of cooked rice are needed. The estimated serving size per person is 1/2 cup of cooked rice. When feeding a group of 50 people, an average of 3 to 4 pounds of uncooked rice are needed.

How much rice do I need for 12 adults?

It depends on how central rice is to the meal! When I cook rice as a side dish, I use 1/4 to 1/3 cup (uncooked) per person. So 3–4 cups for 12 people.

How much rice do you need to feed 50 people?

When feeding a group of 50 people, an average of 3 to 4 pounds of uncooked rice are needed. If serving pasta to a group of 50 people, 1/2 cup of cooked pasta is needed per person.

How much rice do I need to cook for a party?

You can do your calculations. When it comes to rice the norm seems to be about ½ cup (90g) per person, although some people prefer to use a bit less – about 1/3 cup (60g) per person. And remember we are talking about uncooked rice here, which means that when it’s cooked it’s usually about a cup per person, as rice doubles in size.

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How much uncooked rice do I need to cook for 80?

Rice doubles in volume while cooking, so you will need 1/2 cup of uncooked rice to produce this much cooked rice. For 80 guests with an average appetite, I’d say 40 cups should be more than sufficient. You may some leftovers depending upon ‘what else’ you are serving.

How many servings is a cup of cooked rice?

The calculator will help you with figuring out the number of servings for 10, 20, 50 or more people. For reference, the average serving size of cooked rice as part of a main dish is one cup cooked and 1/2 cup cooked if used as a side dish.