
Which book is good for organic chemistry theory for JEE?

Which book is good for organic chemistry theory for JEE?

Organic Chemistry

S.No Authors /Publisher Name of Books
1 O.P. Tandon ….read more Organic Chemistry
2 Paula Bruice Yurkanis ….read more Organic Chemistry
3 Organic Chemistry by MORRISON & BOYD ….read more Organic Chemistry
4 Arihant Prakashan…. read more Organic Chemistry

Is Ncert enough for Theory of Organic Chemistry?

Reading only NCERT books is not sufficient to score good marks in any subject or topic in jee advanced specially in organic chemistry. Understanding mechanisms of reactions is the moto in organic chemistry . NCERT is definitely not sufficient for that .

Which book is enough for jee mains?

NCERT books explain all the topics in a more detailed way so that the students understand and perform well in the exam. JEE Main toppers and experts also recommend NCERT for JEE Main preparation. According to experts, studying NCERT is enough to qualify JEE Main.

Which is the best book for organic chemistry for IIT JEE?

Download pdf of OP Tandon organic chemistry book for IIT JEE. Here we provide you the free study material for preparation for IIT JEE. Organic Chemistry by OP Tandon is book which makes this subject very easy and attractive. Firstly, this book contains brief theory about the topic with some solved examples.

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Which is the best book for Physical Chemistry for JEE Mains?

This book covers the entire Physical Chemistry syllabus including Atomic Structure, Radioactivity and Nuclear Transformation and Stoichiometry. The OP Tandon Chemistry book has both theoretical and numerical problems, which make it a must-have for all those who are preparing for JEE advanced examinations.

How good is op Tandon chemistry for JEE Advanced?

The OP Tandon Chemistry book has both theoretical and numerical problems, which make it a must-have for all those who are preparing for JEE advanced examinations. Topics like Energetics, Chemical Kinetics, Chemical Equilibrium, Solutions and Electrochemistry are very well explained.

Which is the best book for theory of organic chemistry?

The book on Organic Chemistry by Paula Bruice is an amazing book for theory of organic chemistry. All the required mechanisms are thoroughly explained in the book. It also has a very good set of questions at the end of each chapter which helps to make the concepts clearer.