
What to say when someone asks why you added them on Facebook?

What to say when someone asks why you added them on Facebook?

Answer them with the reason you sent them the friend request. Just be honest.

What should I say to a girl who accepted my friend request?

The correct response is to write to her either privately via Facebook Messenger or as a public or private post to her page depending upon your preference. In most cases a public reply is best. That reply should read: “Thank you for befriending me.” That’s all that is necessary.

What can you say when you want to accept someone’s request?

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Here are some examples: I am pleased to accept your invitation. Please let me know if I can bring something. Thank you for the invitation.

How are you my friend answer?

You need to answer briefly, but in a positive way. “Great!” “I’m doing really well, thank you,” or “Fantastic!” are all good ways to answer. They will tell the other person that you are enthusiastic and ready to work. You might be shaking hands, too.

How do I respond to a friend request?

To respond to a friend request, you have two choices. One is to click one of the two buttons to the right of your potential friend’s name. One button reads Confirm and one reads Not Now. Click one of those buttons and (respectively) you add a friend or ignore the request quietly.

How can I text a unknown girl?

Just say hi, tell her what your name is, and ask her how she’s doing. Make sure you find her at a good time, when she doesn’t seem busy or worried over anything, and that you act casual about it. Just say something like, “Hi, I’m Sarah. It’s great to meet you.

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What does it mean when a girl tells her friends about you?

So to tell her friends means that she has confidence of closing the deal with you while attempting to get “approval” from her friends to move forward with you. Note: DO NOT be a wuss and ask her what she told her friends about you. This is the MOTHER of all signals.

What do you say when your girlfriend asks why you love her?

When she asks you why you love her, tell her that it’s because her mere presence in your life is enough to make you forget all the sorrow in the world. Tell her that her joy is your joy, and that you want to spend the rest of your life making her happy because she does the same for you.

How do I know if my girlfriend wants me?

The strong ones are when she gives any version of escalation. That’s a clear sign she wants you. And so today, I’d like to show you a few examples of what this looks like. Here are some major signals to look for. 1) She is laughing or smiling… 2) Playing with her hair… 3) Dancing…

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What do you say to a girl who loves you?

When she asks you why you love her, tell her that it’s because her mere presence in your life is enough to make you forget all the sorrow in the world. Tell her that her joy is your joy, and that you want to spend the rest of your life making her happy because she does the same for you. You inspire me.