
Did Dumbledore know the truth about Sirius Black?

Did Dumbledore know the truth about Sirius Black?

Dumbledore didn’t know for certain that Sirius was innocent, and for the most part, it didn’t matter. Sirius wasn’t useful. Also, see Remus – Dumbledore saw no use for him, so didn’t help him.

Did Sirius Black save Harry?

Ironically, it was Sirius that ended up saving Harry instead of the opposite. In particular, he stopped Death Eater Antonin Dolohov from cursing Harry. Shortly after, he loses his life in a duel with Bellatrix Lestrange, but he went down defending his godson.

Why did people think Sirius killed the Potters?

The answer is that Sirius wanted to deflect attention from the real Secret-Keeper. He probably hoped Voldemort would go after him so he could steer attention away from Pettigrew.

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Did Sirius betray the Potters?

It wasn’t Sirius who betrayed the Potters to Voldemort, but he did persuade them to make Pettigrew their Secret-Keeper.

Is Sirius Black Harry Potter’s real father?

By Courtney Osteen Published Aug 21, 2019 Sirius Black is Harry Potter ‘s godfather and the closest thing he ever gets to a real parent. Unfortunately, Sirius spends the majority of Harry’s childhood imprisoned in Azkaban, thanks to Peter Pettigrew. When Sirius finally escapes in The Prisoner of Azkaban he does his best to make up for lost time.

Is it irrational to believe that Sirius is Harry’s godfather?

Just because Sirius had been close enough to the Potters to be named Harry’s godfather, didn’t mean that he hadn’t been deceiving them. It isn’t even irrational to believe that, not when Sirius was shouting about being responsible for their deaths when he was captured.

What if Sirius Black had been evil?

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If Sirius had truly been evil, as alleged, he would have gone after Harry, godson be damned. At that time, everyone still be;ieved that Sirius, not Peter Pettigrew, was the one who betrayed the Potters and killed Peter and the group of muggles.

What was Sirius’ relationship with Harry Potter?

Sirius was Harry Potter’s godfather, and acted as a confidant and paternal figure to him. He deeply loved Harry, and was the only person Harry felt comfortable confiding in completely.