Tips and tricks

What to do if u fail a bench?

What to do if u fail a bench?

“The best thing to do is literally roll the bar down your sternum, the middle of your chest, past your abdominals, and right besides your hips,” says Cornier. At that point you can sit up, then deadlift the bar back to the ground.

Do you need someone to spot you for bench press?

A barbell on your chest can roll down on your neck and strangle you. Or it can roll down your belly, mashing your soft internal organs and possibly tearing an artery, resulting in you bleeding out. Because the bench press can potentially kill you, it’s highly recommended that you perform this lift with a spotter.

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Has anyone ever died in gym?

Yes, there are multiple fatalities in gyms every single year.

How do I find people to bench press with?

Three methods come to mind: Get a spotter. Find a friend, ask the person benching on the bench next to you, or just politely ask some random gym goer who you’ve never even spoken to before. Don’t feel stupid, everyone does it all the time.

How do I stop getting stuck on the bench press?

Now the first, smartest, safest and all around best thing you can do when you find yourself stuck on the bench press is to just avoid ever actually finding yourself in that position in the first place. So how do you prevent this from happening? Three methods come to mind:

How can I avoid looking foolish in the gym?

Wear clothes that you feel comfortable in. Keep your headphones on, zone out everybody, and go about your business. Imagine you’re the only one there. Use 20 seconds of courage when necessary to get you to take action. We work with all of our Online Coaching clients who are worried about looking foolish in the gym.

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How do you break your gym’s bench press record?

Give a detailed bench press strength program including what to do each day, how many days of the week to workout, how many reps and sets you should perform, and any other tips that will help somebody break their gym’s bench press record! Bonus Question: Today you decide to try to beat your one-rep max record.