Tips and tricks

How do you deal with extended family issues?

How do you deal with extended family issues?

Whether the relationship with your extended family or in-laws is great or could use some improving, here are some tips that may help.

  1. Your spouse comes first.
  2. Set boundaries.
  3. Establish ground rules.
  4. Recognize the culture.
  5. Don’t criticize your spouse’s relationship with their family or parents.
  6. Be polite.

What are disadvantages of extended family?


  • The family knows all your business.
  • Grandparents may interfere when not needed and correct what you are doing.
  • There may be too many visitors in the home.
  • Lack of privacy and may be disagreements about how to bring up a child.

How does the mother-son relationship affect a marriage?

And a lot of times, the mother son relationship has a huge effect on the marriage, to the point of divorce in some cases. So much of the mother son relationship stems from childhood, and circumstances that might have happened. For example, maybe the guy’s dad left when he was just a little boy, and he was all his mother had.

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How does a mother let go of her son?

They want a son and his wife right under their nose and always ready for control and domination. She transforms from a loving mother to a monster mom-in-law. For a mother to let go of her son, she must cut that invisible umbilical cord, and build a much stronger and lasting bond of love.

How to improve the mother-son relationship?

As your son grows, teach him to be his own person, to take decisions after critically analyzing all the possibilities present this will improve the mother-son relationship greatly. It is a mother’s crowning moment when her son can see her weaknesses and still love her unconditionally.

How good were the wives of the mother-in-law?

None of the wives were good enough for the mother-in-law (MIL). It was a genuine concern on the part of the mother, but it never occurred to her that she had to let things be and that her sons would learn to build a life with his new wife.