Tips and tricks

Why do I keep having to do CAPTCHA?

Why do I keep having to do CAPTCHA?

Google explains that a CAPTCHA can be triggered by automated processes sometimes caused by worms, proxy search traffic going through infected computers or DSL routers, or from some SEO ranking tools. But you may also want to scan your computer for viruses and malware.

How do I get rid of Captcha on Chrome?

Chrome’s “Settings” menu should now be displayed, scroll to the bottom of the page and click on “Advanced“. In the Privacy and Security section, click on “Content settings“. Click on “Notifications“. Find the site and click the three vertical dots button next to it, then click on “Remove”.

How do I remove the reCAPTCHA from my website?

How to remove reCAPTCHA badge from website

  1. Copy the CSS code. .grecaptcha-badge { visibility: hidden; }
  2. Paste the code into your WordPress website by one of three methods: A. Paste the code into the theme’s “Additional CSS” box, if available in the theme settings. Paste at bottom of box > Save settings. B.
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How do you stop our systems have detected unusual traffic from your computer network?

You can implement the following fixes to isolate the issue.

  1. Solution 1: Disconnect VPN.
  2. Solution 2: Reset Browser.
  3. Solution 3: Restart your System and Router.
  4. Solution 4: Perform a Malware Scan.

Why do I keep being asked if I’m a robot?

Your computer may be infected with malware that sends automated traffic to Google. Also some browser extensions and plugins can send automated traffic. If you are frequently seeing “I’m not a robot” message then check your computer for malicious programs and remove unnecessary browser extensions.

What is a CAPTCHA and how does it work?

CAPTCHA or Captcha (pronounced as cap-ch-uh) which stands for “Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart” is a type of challenge-response test to ensure that the response is only generated by humans and not by a computer.

What does CAPTCHA do?

A CAPTCHA is a short online typing test that is easy for humans to pass but difficult for robotic software programs to complete—hence the test’s actual name, Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart. The purpose of a CAPTCHA is to discourage hackers and spammers from using auto-filling software programs on websites.

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What is a CAPTCHA code?

CAPTCHA code is a series of characters and numbers randomly generated using multiple randomizing functions to make sure that the string/code generated is not vulnerable to dictionary attack. The CAPTCHA code has a length of minimum 6 alpha-numeric characters.