Tips and tricks

What is the value of being confused?

What is the value of being confused?

Confusion gives us the space to try new things and be creative. Allowing ourselves to be confused and ask questions leads to deeper understanding, more learning, and higher self-confidence. So, try not to be embarrassed when you’re confused about something.

What does it mean when someone says they are confused?

“I am getting confused” has basically the same meaning; the implication is that they are in the progress of becoming confused (“I’m beginning to not understand”). This is a polite way of saying you’ve strayed into an area that they don’t understand, and would like you to explain it differently or perhaps slow down.

Why do people create confusion?

Confusion can have many causes, including injury, infection, substance use, and medications. It’s important to find out what the underlying cause of the confusion is so that it can be treated.

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How do you deal with a confused feeling?

You know why you’re feeling confused. Address the situation head first….Whether you’re unhappy about the way the relationship is going or it’s things about your partner that have you feeling confused, it’s time to find a solution

  1. Take it slow.
  2. Try talking to your partner.
  3. Trust your gut.

What is a better word for confused?

Baffled, confused, mystified, at a loss, or. Confused or perplexed. Filled with confusion or bewilderment; puzzled. In disarray, mixed up.

What’s a better word for confused?

Can confusion be a good thing?

Sometimes Confusion Is A Good Thing : 13.7: Cosmos And Culture Though confusion can be bad, it’s likely to benefit learning when it’s related to the material you’re trying to understand — and when you have the support to work through it, says Tania Lombrozo. Confusion gets a bad rap. A textbook that confuses its readers sounds like a bad textbook.

Is it bad to be confused when learning something?

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Of course, confusion isn’t always a good thing. Sometimes a textbook is truly terrible, or a teacher impossible to understand. Being confused by something irrelevant to what you’re trying to learn (like why the teacher is wearing mismatching shoes) is unlikely to help you learn the content you’re after.

Is confusion an obstacle to learning?

Because it seems like an obstacle to learning, we try to arrange educational experiences and training sessions so that learners will encounter as little confusion as possible. But as is so often the case when it comes to learning, our intuitions here are exactly wrong.