Tips and tricks

Why was the Roman army superior?

Why was the Roman army superior?

During the years of the Roman’s conquest their warfare technology was much better than anything anyone else had and this was a crucial factor in deciding why the Romans were superior to the Celts in battle. Roman soldiers had three main weapons. A shield, a sword and two throwing javelins.

What tactics did the Romans use to win battles?

3 Important Roman Military Tactics

  • The testudo. It’s easy to see where the “tortoise” formation got its name.
  • The triple line. One innovation on the Greek phalanx that the Romans introduced was a triple line formation of three distinct ranks.
  • The wedge.

Why do you think the Romans treated the Carthaginians so harshly at the end of the Punic Wars?

Why do you think the Romans treated the Carthaginians so harshly at the end of the Punic Wars? They were not used to being places on the edge of losing a battle. They wanted to take revenge on Carthage for the huge losses they had inflicted on the Roman army.

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Why were the Romans so effective at war?

Fun fact: many of the battle and military tactics Romans used were not Roman inventions. But they managed to bring military concepts to another level. Romans were more organized and more effective. Why were Romans successful? Organized military tactics predate the Romans.

How did the Romans use organized military tactics?

Organized military tactics predate the Romans. For example, Ancient Greeks used the phalanx formation to fight, and Romans borrowed this innovation for their units of elite fights and sub-units. The key to Roman success was their standardization of equipment and training.

How did the Roman military evolve over time?

Military tactics have constantly evolved throughout history, but it was the Romans who contributed the most to progressive technologies and analytical military tactics. The Roman military was adaptable, and its approach to battle was quite different from other war units. This special ability of the Romans set them apart.

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What made the Roman army an efficient killing force?

Armors, siege weapons, blades, and even the way the wooden shaft of a pilum would break during thrusts and on contact were efficiently researched and designed. These reasons were important in keeping the army as an efficient killing force. However in addition to policies, efficient tactics were also employed by able generals.