
Are INTJs good mothers?

Are INTJs good mothers?

Some people see INTJs as cold, but can be rather caring and loving parents. They are often different with the people they love, and can be very giving and patient. The INTJ mother also believes in constantly learning and growing, which is a great thing they teach their children.

What is the best part of motherhood?

22 Very Best Things About Being a Mom

  • Gaining perspective.
  • Watching life blossom through the eyes of your child.
  • Having your heart grow with so much love.
  • All of the things you learn about yourself and about your capacity for loving someone else in a way you could never have imagined before becoming a mom.

What are the challenges of motherhood?

Challenges of Motherhood

  • Sleep deprivation. ‘Nuff said.
  • Feeding..and eating… constantly.
  • Tantrums (twos).
  • Know-it-alls (fours).
  • Friendships.
  • Finding yourself (or just not losing yourself in motherhood).
  • Me time is a precious commodity.
  • Grab some of these devotions for moms.
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Are INTJs good dads?

Overall, INTJ dads are dedicated, loyal, and attentive to their children. They help their kids focus on the big picture, see hidden perspectives, and use their imagination. With an INTJ parent, many children feel they have a broader understanding of life and confidence in their dreams and ambitions.

What makes you happy as a mom?

One of the consistent traits associated with a “happy mom” is the act of self-care and gaining access to those authentic moments of happiness. “Moms are often pushed to the end of their rope with all of the emotional, physical and developmental needs of their children,” says Eve.

What’s the best thing about being a mother?

‘ONE of the best things about being a mom is to see someone become your life’s purpose, someone who challenges you to become a better person without ever judging you for the mistakes you have done or you’re about to make.”