
What is cut off for LNMIIT?

What is cut off for LNMIIT?

Academic Eligibility First Semester: JEE (Advanced) AIR up to 12000 or JEE (Main) Percentile of 97 and above. Second Semester Onwards: CGPA of 8.50 or above and no backlog.

Can I get LNMIIT CSE with 96 percentile?

No, it is hard to get CSE in LNMIIT at this score as it is the cut-off is always above 130 marks. Hi, To be eligible for admission in LNMIIT you must have scored at least 100 marks in JEE-Mains (which is the cut-off for appearing in Advance this year).

What percentile is required for CSE in LNMIIT?

To be eligible in First Semester, candidates should have secured JEE (Advanced) AIR rank up to 12000 OR JEE (Main) Percentile of 97 and above. To be eligible from Second Semester onwards, candidates need to maintain a CGPA of 8.50 or above and no backlog.

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Can I get LNMIIT with 84 percentile?

No, at this rank you can’t get admission in LNMIIT, Jaipur. Last year’s cutoff was around 110.

Can I get admission in LNMIIT with 83 percentile?

No, at this rank you can’t get admission in LNMIIT, Jaipur. Last year’s cutoff was around 110. Hi, To be eligible for admission in LNMIIT, you must have scored at least 100 marks in JEE-Mains (which is the cut-off for appearing in Advance this year).

What determines the opening and closing ranks of LNMIIT 2020?

There are various factors which determine the opening and closing ranks (or cut off) of LNMIIT 2020. Some of the factors affect directly and some indirectly. Few of those factors are mentioned below: The LNMIIT 2020 cutoff is the minimum ranks or scores required by eligible candidate to meet in order to appear for the next round of admission.

Is LNMIIT better than Thapar for CSE?

With the attention LNMIIT is sttracting since the last few years the cutoff is increasing crazy like 10k crl each year. this time many online educators are predicting a cutoff of 98 percentile for cse.the reason for this is that LNMIIT being so much better to thapar even thapar has a cutoff of around 98 percentile for COE.

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How to download LNMIIT cutoff 2020 online?

The LNMIIT cutoff 2020 will be releaseed separately for undergraduate and post graduate courses via online mode. Candidates will be able to download the cutoff of LNMIIT 2020 PDF file from the official website.

Are lnmmiit admissions 2021 open?

LNMIIT admissions 2021 for UG and PG programmes are open. The LNM Institute of Information Technology offers seven courses (BTech, BTech (Hons), BTech-MTech Integrated, MTech, MS by Research, MSc and PhD) across six departments and 26 specialisations, namely Computer Science and Engineering, Electro