
Why You Should not Marry in family?

Why You Should not Marry in family?

Marrying within a family can lead to abnormalities in your future offspring. This is because within a family, certain genetic traits remain dormant and are known as recessive genes (they are not seen as a disease or condition).

Is it OK to marry a boy of same age?

Men With Younger Wives Live Longer But Women Should Marry Men The Same Age, Study. Marriage is more beneficial for men than for women – at least for those who want a long life. Previous studies have shown that men with younger wives live longer.

Is it good to marry a poor man?

But you should not make a mistake of marrying a poor man.There are over 50 reasons why you should be single than getting married to a poor and desperate man.Here are the reasons Since someone who has nothing is miserable, he will make sure you share his pain. A poor man has nothing to be proud of except what is between his legs.

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Should a poor man be proud of what he has?

A poor man has nothing to be proud of except what is between his legs. If he has nothing, do you think he will make you happy? Self-esteem is very important to a woman and by extension everybody. Since a poor man lost his self-esteem long time ago, don’t expect him to help boost yours.

Why would a poor man be jealous of his wife?

A poor man would not want to see his wife prosper. He will monitor each and every step you make, and if you make more steps than him, his jealous will rise. For your information, a jealous man will do anything to bring you down.

Can money buy happiness in marriage?

Money does not buy happiness, Robyn, true. But if a marriage is under strain because of lack of finances, that can be prevented by waiting for a better off Christian. Being poor and unhappily married is a lot worse than being rich and unhappily married. At least with a bit of money you can take a holiday away from your husband now and again.