
Should I let my teen listen to explicit music?

Should I let my teen listen to explicit music?

It’s better to teach your teenager not to use explicit language in public rather than to fantasize that you can shield your teen from being exposed to foul language. Controversial music has always been a way for teenagers to rebel against their parents and to express their emotions.

Does violent music affect behavior?

Instead, researchers from Iowa State University and the Texas Department of Human Services found that aggressive music lyrics increase aggressive thoughts and feelings, which might perpetuate aggressive behavior and have long-term effects, such as influencing listeners’ perceptions of society and contributing to the …

Does rap music make you aggressive?

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Results demonstrated that listeners of the aggressive rap music scored significantly higher in the dimension of verbal aggression. These findings suggest that aggressive music can make listeners more aggressive emotionally compared to other types of music.

Does violent music make you violent?

Does music lead to violence?

How can I get my child to stop listening to explicit music?

Tell your child what you listened to at their age and why you liked it. This may help you find common ground. Explain to your child that there there will be consequences for disobedience, if they continue listening to explicit music.

Why is explicit music bad for You?

You may believe explicit music is music that has bad teachings in it such as profanity, abusive, hateful words, or words that incite prejudice, or homophobia, etc. You may explain that sometimes people who listen to explicit music can become desensitized to the bad influences such words and ideas bring.

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Should I confiscate my Child’s Music?

Of course, there may also be other personal reasons you may wish to share with your child. Once you have explained your reasons, you may guarantee your child cannot listen to explicit music on CD, tape or vinyl by confiscating these items, but be aware that the music might be hidden under other titles.

What should I do if my child is listening to YouTube?

Ask your child about what they listen to on YouTube or via other websites that host music and/or music videos. Block things you are uncomfortable with your child accessing, if you can’t trust you child to make good choices about what they listen to online.