Tips and tricks

Why cant I see my boyfriends Facebook friends?

Why cant I see my boyfriends Facebook friends?

By default, Facebook always lets a user’s friends see his or her posts. If you are friends with someone and still cannot see that user’s wall, it means your friend has customized his or her Wall privacy.

Can you ghost a friend on Facebook?

4 – The absence of a profile picture AND friends total indicates that the account has been deactivated. You can delete this “ghost friend” by clicking on the Friends button and then clicking Unfriend. Important: The absence of a profile picture alone doesn’t indicate that an account has been deactivated.

Is it okay for my boyfriend to hide his friends on Facebook?

No. It is absolutely not ok for him to hide his friends from you on Facebook. You may see “him” as your “SO”, but if you were truly significant to him, he wouldn’t have to take purposeful measures to hide anything from you. If he’s hiding his friends, he’s probably hiding posts and photos and other timeline activity from you.

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How to see someone’s friends on Facebook without them knowing?

Visit the Google Chrome web store and install ‘Social Revealer’ After installation, open your Facebook account by logging in at Proceed to the profile of the person’s friends list you want to see. Now open the ‘’Social Revealer” extension and click on “See Friends”

How do I find hidden friends on Facebook?

Facebook. com/search/100034868239441/friends. change the number between “SEARCH/……/ friends in the previous one you have copied. Press the enter key to search and the person list of hidden friends on Facebook will show.

What does it mean when a Guy hides his friends?

You may see “him” as your “SO”, but if you were truly significant to him, he wouldn’t have to take purposeful measures to hide anything from you. If he’s hiding his friends, he’s probably hiding posts and photos and other timeline activity from you.