Tips and tricks

What does it mean if a guy asks how Im doing?

What does it mean if a guy asks how Im doing?

When a guy asks how you are doing randomly during the day or a girl remembers some specific thing you said a while ago, it can reveal that they are genuinely interested in you. They’re putting in the effort to connect on a deeper level.

What to say when a guy asks what you’re doing?

Ways how to respond to what are you doing when your crush/partner asks via SMS.

  1. 01“I’m just here thinking about you.”
  2. 02“Not you, unfortunately.”
  3. 03 “Watching [insert TV show/movie].
  4. 04“Trying to figure out when you’re finally going to ask me out.”
  5. 05 “Just playing with [insert pet name and picture].
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Why does he always ask if im okay?

Originally Answered: what does it mean if a guy who likes you always asks if you are okay? It’s because he truly cares about you. He likes you enough to know that the concerns of your well being gets to him. Wants reassurance to know if you’re okay so he can do something about it to comfort you.

What to say when a guy ask how are you?

Now, when someone asks “How are you?” (or “How’s it going?” or “Wassup?”), the classic response is “I’m fine, thanks.”…Alternatives to “So-so”

  1. I’m OK.
  2. Not too bad.
  3. Same old, same old.
  4. Yeah, all right.
  5. I’m alive! — This one is a bit of a joke but can be fun in the right situation.

How do you respond to WYD?

If “wyd?” is good enough for you, reply “not much, wanna hang out?” and commence the sexy time.

What do you say when a guy asks if you’re okay?

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#1 You can say “Yes, I’m fine, thanks,” even if you’re not OK, and be done with it. #2 You can be honest about how you feel and open up to someone who may not really want to hear about your problems.

What does it mean when a guy keeps asking you out?

This is also a possible explanation if you’re in a relationship. If you’re just friends and maybe he has feelings for you, perhaps he’s trying to figure out how to invite you out to something but doesn’t know how, or is too shy to do it. Don’t automatically assume he’s a stalker or something, that’s not only ignorant but downright rude.

Why would a friend ask you out if you’re just friends?

If you’re just friends and maybe he has feelings for you, perhaps he’s trying to figure out how to invite you out to something but doesn’t know how, or is too shy to do it. Don’t automatically assume he’s a stalker or something, that’s not only ignorant but downright rude. Is this still revelant? We are friends/friendly/classmates.

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How do you know if a guy has a thing for You?

When a guy has a thing for you, he’ll want to talk to you all the time and as often as possible. He won’t necessarily have a good conversation starter at the top of his mind or really know what to say to you. But he won’t care and that won’t matter to him.

How do you deal with a guy that texts randomly?

If you are reading this and are often disappointed by men and why he texts me randomly, the best solution is to adopt the mindset I call “POSITIVE NEUTRALITY.” You can be optimistic about a guy, but don’t think he’s “The One” until he proves that to you over 2-3 months.