
What happened to the bridge of the Enterprise?

What happened to the bridge of the Enterprise?

As most Trekkies will remember, the original bridge used in the filming of TNG was actually destroyed during the filming of Star Trek: Generations, where the Enterprise crash-lands onto the surface of Veridian III.

Why is it called the bridge in Star Trek?

A bridge was the main command and control facility of a starship or a starbase. Commanding officers and first officers were often positioned on the bridge; officers whose duty were on the bridge were referred to as bridge officers.

Did Voyager have a battle bridge?

The primary bridge is luxurious and great for guests but in the event operations on the bridge become impossible, the battle bridge is there. Multiple times in Voyager, they’re forced to run the ship from engineering because they don’t have a secondary bridge.

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What happened to the enterprise at the end of next generation?

Enterprise-D was destroyed in 2371 after an attack by renegade Klingons breached her warp core. Although the saucer section separated before the breach, the force of the explosion caused the section to crash on the planet Veridian III. Fortunately, losses were minimal.

How do Turbolifts work on the enterprise?

The turbolift, or turbo-elevator, was a device that provided rapid transport with both vertical and horizontal transportation for personnel through a system of turboshafts between key sections of starships and space stations.

What is a wheelhouse on a ship?

A wheelhouse is literally a small enclosure on a boat or ship that houses the steering wheel. The captain navigates the ship from the wheelhouse. On land, though, something in your wheelhouse is in your area of expertise.

Why is a ship control room called a bridge?

Steam engines replaced sails on board ships, with sail paddles taking its place. They were steered via a rudder wheel. For this purpose, a walkaway was constructed on a raised platform, connecting the two paddles, serving as a literal ‘bridge’, earning the command centre its name.

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Can Voyager saucer separate?

It was the first ship with a class-9 warp drive, allowing for a maximum sustainable speed of Warp 9.975. Like the Galaxy Class, Voyager’s warp nacelles were below the primary hull. The ship also was capable of planetary landings. Unlike the Galaxy Class, the ship could not separate the saucer during an emergency.

What does USS stand for in USS Enterprise?

USS Enterprise. USS was a identifying prefix used before the names of sea-faring ships on Earth and space-faring ships of United Earth and United Federation of Planets. The abbreviation has been used to stand for “United States Ship”, “United Space Ship”, and “United Star Ship”.

What is the mission of the USS Enterprise?

On May 11, 2260 of the alternate reality, the USS Enterprise, under the command of Captain James T. Kirk, began the first official five-year mission of deep space exploration into uncharted space that had ever been attempted by any starship. By the third year, the ship had been in uncharted space for an extended period.

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How long is the USS Enterprise?

USS Enterprise has a length of 1,123ft, making it the longest carrier in the US Navy. Its waterline beam is 132.8ft, draught is 39ft and displacement is 94,781t.

Who built the USS Enterprise?

This $100-Million Building Looks Exactly Like Star Trek’s Enterprise. A Chinese executive who sits on the board of Baidu has constructed an office that pays faithful homage to Star Trek‘s USS Enterprise. The building, which was built by NetDragon Websoft’s 43-year-old founder Liu Dejian, will provide office space for the Chinese game developer.