Tips and tricks

Is Samantha the same as mindfulness?

Is Samantha the same as mindfulness?

Samatha is thought to be developed by samadhi (“concentration”), which is thought to be the ability to rest the attention on a single object of perception. One of the principal techniques for this purpose is mindfulness of breathing (Pali: ānāpānasati).

Does Vipassana mean mindfulness?

Vipassana is an ancient mindfulness meditation technique. It involves observing your thoughts and emotions as they are, without judging or dwelling on them.

What type of meditation is Samatha?

Samatha meditation is about calmness and it relies on the mindfulness of breathing. This means breathing thoughtfully. The focus is on the body, and the person who is meditating concentrates fully on breathing in and out.

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How do you do samatha meditation?

Samatha Meditation

  1. Sit in your normal meditation posture.
  2. Straighten your back as if stacking one vertebrae on top of the other.
  3. Relax your shoulders and keep the head evenly balanced and tuck your chin slightly inwards.
  4. Let your tongue touch the palate.
  5. Relax your face.
  6. Close your eyes.

What type of Buddhism is Vipassana?

The Vipassanā Movement, also known as the Insight Meditation Movement, is rooted in Theravāda Buddhism and the revival of meditation techniques, especially the “New Burmese Method” and the Thai Forest Tradition, as well as the modern influences on the traditions of Sri Lanka, Burma, Laos and Thailand.

What are the benefits of samatha meditation?

Samatha meditation is based on the concept of tranquility. Samatha meditation defines one form of Buddhist meditation based on the concept of tranquility and freeing the mind from all outside concerns and distractions.

What is the difference between samatha meditation and vipassana meditation?

The difference between Samatha and Vipassana is that when we are practicing Samatha meditation, we are concentrating/balancing our mind, and the main effort is not on eradication of accumulated sanskaras (even though it stops formation of new sanskaras).

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What is Vipassana or mindfulness?

In vipassana or mindfulness, you also follow the breath, the rise and fall of the abdomen, and if your mind wanders, you return to the breath, the rise and fall of the abdomen. This is actually a bit of both. The vipassana aspect occurrs when you notice “hey, I’m not concentrating right now”.

Is vipassana meditation the best way to let go?

In these cases it is safe to say that Vipassana meditation is the practice of choice, as it is specifically designed for seeing clearly and therefore letting go. Solely using meditation for calmness will not resolve underlying problems in the mind or unresolved issues from the past.

What is samatha practice?

Yuttadhammo Bhikkhu briefly describes Samatha practice and compares to Vipassana Samatha meditation (counting breaths) is for calming the mind; Vipassana meditation (observing the abdomen rising and falling) is for clearing the mind