
What are your 3 main values?

What are your 3 main values?

List of Personal Core Values

  • adventurous.
  • authenticity.
  • commitment.
  • compassion.
  • concern for others.
  • consistency.
  • courage.
  • dependability.

What are 5 of your values?

There are lots of personal values examples. My 5 most important values are Family, Freedom, Adventure, Authenticity, and Wisdom. Your most important personal values might be love, financial security, knowledge, creativity, personal growth, or any combination of all of the values in the world.

What are the top 5 values in life?

To respond to this story,

  1. 5 Core Values that Define Success for Every Individual. Christopher D.
  2. Honesty. Honesty should be the bedrock of your foundation, as it will define who you are before you even allow others to know more about you.
  3. Fire.
  4. Hard Work.
  5. Confidence.
  6. Perseverance.

What are the best human values?

This is only our opinion, you can and should create your own in your own words.

  • Number 1. Health and Energy.
  • Number 2. Love.
  • Number 3. Gratitude and Appreciation.
  • Number 4. Kindness and Compassion.
  • Number 5. Integrity.
  • Number 6. Giving .
  • Number 7. Growth.
  • Number 8. Peace.
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What are your personal values?

Let’s start with a personal values definition. Personal values are the things that are important to us, the characteristics and behaviours that motivate us and guide our decisions. For example, maybe you value honesty.

How to define your values step by step?

Defining Your Values. Step 1: Identify the times when you were happiest. Find examples from both your career and personal life. This will ensure some balance in your Step 2: Identify the times when you were most proud. Step 3: Identify the times when you were most fulfilled and satisfied. Step

What are your values and why do they matter?

Everyone has their own personal values, and they can be quite different. Some people are competitive, while others value cooperation. Some people value adventure, while others prefer security. Values matter because you’re likely to feel better if you’re living according to your values and to feel worse if you don’t.

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What are the core values of Your Life?

Freedom comes in many forms and that is why it is one of the ultimate core values to have. The freedom to choose, freedom to speak, freedom to live on your own terms, freedom to love and be loved. If freedom becomes a core value of yours, watch how your life changes for the better. 12. Gratitude